i used to believe

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top belief!

my brother once told me that the reason coffins were only halfway open was because the lower half of the body was cut off. That had me terrified at my mom's funeral. I was 8.

little Jen
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i thought that when people got to a certain age (80 or so) they would start getting young and become a baby. i was 8 years old and talking about when "I was born again", imagine my disbelief when my mother explained death to me...i was horrified, the shock never really wore off.

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I used to believe that our dead relatives were listening to all our thoughts and knew when we would sneak into my parents room and go through their stuff.

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i believed that when a person died, god came down in a helicopter to go to heaven! i still have a mild interest in helicopters!

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I used to believe if you got a splinter and you couldn't get it out, that it would travel through your blood stream, poke a hole in your heart and kill you. This is thanks to my older sister, who frequently scared the crap out of me as a kid.

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top belief!

I used to believe that you would get a letter in the mail and that told you that it was your time to die. I thought you would enter the big gates of the cemetary and then soldiers would come out at shoot you. What also supported my idea was the large gates and fences which I thought were there to prevent you from running out without being shot.

Susan P.
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top belief!

i remember when i was little a friend of the family had passed away, my parents told me that we were going to his wake, when we got there i just sat around watching the casket waiting for him to wake up. I thought everyone else was there for that purpose too.

hurry up everyones waiting for you!!!
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When I was 7, I had my first experience with death. My great-grama died. At the wake - I met a lot of people I had never met before. I was standing with my grama (my great grandmother's daughter). Talking to a lady that was standing with us - I said "That's my grama over there in that box". The lady just happened to be my great grandmother's sister.

Leighton Jackett
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when i was around six i used to watch this t.v. show called walker, texas ranger. and one this one episode this guy pulled his pinky and died.( i think thats what happen). and i beleived if i popped my pinky i would die. for years i would not pop my pinky. then finally i got the guts to pop it and i didnt die!

t.v. beleiver
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I was around 5 years old and was watching on TV an annual broadcast tribute to JFK. My big brother told me that I had killed him and that I had just blocked it out. I believed him and became hysterical. Mind you, JFK died in 1963 and I was born in 1967...

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top belief!

I had heard then term "kick the bucket" and took it very literally. When I was about 6 i kicked over the janitor's mop bucket at school. I was convinced I was going to die. One of my teachers was walking down the hall, and saw me sitting on the floor and crying. I couldn't manage to explain coherently why I was crying, and she just assumed I was crying out of fear of being in trouble. She alerted the janitor, who cleaned up the water. After I didn't die, for a year or so I thought that it would be ok to kick over a bucket if whatever was in it was ceaned up fast enough. Then someone explaines.

Bethan J
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top belief!

I used to believe when someone dies and they put him into coffin and bury under ground, his body remains intact forever and doesn't rot, and if somewhere (like in the movie) there was skeleton lying, I believed it was because the owner had died of something that just tore all the flesh off his body.

Necrophile in love
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I used to be believe that when you died you would just see black forever

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top belief!

When I was younger, I used to think that coffins were cans that you put dead people in so that other people can eat them like sardines... So when my uncle died, and I went to his funeral, I cried and I asked my mum "Are people going to eat uncle Joe?!"

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I was terrified of elevators because I thought that if I ever got stuck in one I would run out of air and suffocate. I would always take a few extra deep breaths before entering one so I'd have extra oxygen in reserve.

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I used to believe that pencil lead was still made out of lead. In the sixth grade I was walking to the pencil sharpener and a friend was walking back from it, swinging her arm, and accidentally stabbed me in the finger with her pencil. The lead broke off in there, and I was SURE for a few weeks that I was going to die of lead poisoning. And instead of just going to the teacher, the school nurse, or my mom, I kept it to myself! (By the way, that little piece of graphite is still in my finger--24 years later!)

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When I was little my cousin told me that when you go by a cemetary you have to hold your breathe. She said it saved a life. So, ever since she told me that to this day I still hold my breathe!

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Me and my brother used to believe that when a person died, their spirit would become a seagull, and they would fly up and down the coast until everyone in their family was all right and ten they would fly away over the sea. We passed this belief onto my cousins as well.

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top belief!

after my aunt died, i was really sad because i couldn't talk to her anymore. I remembered that on Lion King, Rafiki the monkey let simba talk to mufasa by touching the lake with his magic stick. i didn't have a lake or a magic stick so i would sit by the bath tub poking it with a broom tryin to talk to my aunt.

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In the movie Lion King there is a part where Mufasa tells Simba that bodies become grass when they die, and that antelope eat the grass. Well, after I saw it I was afraid of picking grass, mowing the lawn, and dying because I didn't want to hurt all the people that had turned into grass, and I didn't want to become grass because I didn't want antelope to eat me.

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