i used to believe

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When i was a kid I used to believe that smoke was dead souls floating around

Nick aged 8
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I was always told that the good die young, so then I always thought my grandparents must have been really bad at some point in their lives, cos they were really old when they died (they seemed pretty good to me)now I am getting older I couldn't possibly believe it!

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I was five years old and I adored my oldest sister and believe whatever she said. She was putting nail polish on her nails when she told me to open my mouth and closes my eyes. I did and she put a drop of nail polish on my tongue. It tasted gross. To make matters worse she told me I was going to die because you can not swallow any nail polish because it takes one drop to kill you. I was so devestated until my mom told me I was not going to die because of one drop of nail polish.

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I used to beleive that when people prayed at funerals that the body would get up and walk around and then get back in the casket before the prayer was over.

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when i was young my father passed away. it didnt phase me and my sisters cause we were all so young, i guess when my older sister asked my mom where my dad went, my mom said upstairs, so one day i asked my older sister where he went and she said to me, "danielle, daddy died going upstairs" and i said, "wats died?" and she goes, "when you go upstairs and you never come back, it could happen to neone" seriously, till 2nd grade, i was petrified of walking upstairs, everytime i did i would hold on to the railing so tight and i would squeeze my eyes shut and i said to myself "dont died,u can do it, just one more step, dont died"

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When my niece was 3, she inexplicably became hysterical one day. My sister had just come home from the store and had bought my niece a package of new underwear and told her it was because she was "getting older and needed a bigger size". My niece burst into tears and ran up to her room. After we calmed her down, she told us that she had been trying very hard not to get older because it would make her mother die. Her father's mother had just passed away and our mother had died long before my niece was born and she thought that when children got older it made their mothers die so she had been trying to prevent it. What a sweetie!

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i used to think that when you died you came back as penguins if you were good, and if you were bad, you'd come back as a person who thought they were a penguin

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When I was very young I used to love the smell of petrol (gasoline), and one day my sister told me one of her friend's brothers liked the smell so much that he drank some. This, in turn, caused him to die - it put me off petrol for a while. To this day I still don't know whether it's true or not.

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I used to believe that my grandma's tiny pistol would kill someone no matter where the bullet hit them. Kinda like a poisened bullet. I have now come to realize that my grandma's pistol wouldn't even kill a coyote. (We live in Texas, so it's not all that unusual for grandmothers to carry handguns.)

Aoi Tora
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When I was 5, my grandfather died of a heart attack on the street. I don't remember how grown ups may have explained it to me, but I came away with the impression that a heart attack meant a wild bear attacked you on the street. I was 13 I think before I finally knew the truth.

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I remember when I was a child my sister told me that my uncle Joseph died because my Grandma strangled him with a telephone cord because he wouldn't stop crying. It turns out that he was still born because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck.

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i used to believe tht the phrase, "do not put plastic bag over head" meant that you couldnt literally pass it over your head (as supposed to sticking your haid IN IT)

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My mom told me when I was about 9 that if you looked at a centipede long enough for it to count you teeth you would die before morning. I walked around with my hand over my mouth whenever I was outside for about a year

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I used to think that at funeral homes, dead bodies were propped up on the furniture, just hanging out!

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When I was six, I was in Catholic school. One day, shortly after lunch, the Principal, Sister Evangelista came to our door. She whispered something into my teacher, Sister Jeanette's ear. Sister Jeanette fained dead away. Several of us children helped Sr. Evangelista get her up. Sr. Evangelista then told us in hushed tones that President Kennedy had been shot, and we were to proceed quietly to the church, where we would all pray for the President. Orderly we filed to the church, and our little prayers began. I remember thinking "if he's been shot, he's dead already" so I quit praying and let my mind wander. Eventually I started making faces at the boy next to me and we were reprimanded sharply by our Sister. Sister hissed to us that if "President Kennedy dies, it will be your faults!" Well of course, you know the story. For many months, I thought it WAS our fault, since we failed to pray hard enough to save him.

Kevin Graves
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The Norwegian coins all have pictures of the king on them. When I was about 4 years old the king died, but the coins with his picture were still in circulation. My granmother told me stories about the dead king, and also of my dead granfather. I got the two mixed up, and was convinced that the guy on the coins were infact my granfather. Hey, they were both dead right!

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When I was seven years old my uncle died, and this lead to a number of trauma for me. I was sure my uncles ghost was living underneath my bed, and would grab my feet if I didn't hurry getting in and out of bed. I was also convinced that when I was brushing my teeth, the ghost could appear in the mirror, in the bath tub or behind the door, I was terrified of the bathroom!

Gudrun jare
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When I was four, my grandfather died. He and I were always joking around. When he died I though that he was only playing hide and seek with me, that we couldn't find each other. In his funeral, my mother told me that he was in that coffin. I ran up to the coffin, knocked on it, and said "Hi, grandpa, here I am." I actually thought he would walk out of that coffin...gee, that would have been creepy if he did...

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When I was younger (about 10 years old) I thought that the death cross (you know,the scall and the bones in a cross over it) meant the same as the hospital cross. So when my grandma was on the hospital me and my sister drew her a drawing. I wrote "you`re gonna be fine" etc. And in the bottom of the drwaing I put a death cross with a frame around it! I`m sure that must have been nice to rescive......

Death Cross
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On the way to my kindergarden my mom and I always went through a cemetary, I was always asking many questions about everthing. So one day I came home to my dad very pleased and said: "Daddy! When you die we're going to put you in the ground and grow vegetables on you!" My own little version.. Dad vas not as pleased as me with the idea..

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