i used to believe

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Apparently from seeing EKG's on TV, my daughter believes people die when their heart stops "beeping."

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I used to believe that when people died, they would be picked up by their arms and legs and thrown into their grave. I told my mother about this, and she replied, "No! You don't throw dead people around like they were a sack of potatoes!"

Maeghan Jade
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When you're going into kindergarten, you have to get a shot, or else they won't let you in. Mind you, I was that shy girl that whenever I'd see someone new, i'd hide behind my mom. So my mom kept teling me that I was going to get my shot, I was thinking that someone was going to shoot me with a gun. So when we got in there, I ran under the table, and the fat nurse took 2 hours to get me out...but it worked...

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why as a child i thought and believed this, but i believed i would die at the age of 28....
i am now 29, but when i was 28 i did lose my dad and a pregnancy....so, i guess parts of me died.

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when my great gran died i was told that she would always be watching me in every thing i did so when i went ot bed i thought she was watchin me sleep so i started having nightmares because i thought i could see her. then my dog died and i thought i could see her with my great gran

hopeless case
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When I was younger I used to believe that when people died they would just be sleeping for a long time. I always wondered why people didn't just tap them on the shoulder.

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My friend told me that her dad told her, once a few years ago that when small children shoot a gun that their heads pop off, or they go deaf. But, I know plenty little kids that have hunted with guns. I think he just doesn't want her near a gun....

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my brother told me if i yawned i would die so ide run around trying to yawn all the time and then told my mom and dad and they laffed at me still didnt solve my problem

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When I was young I saw kids going "I'm dead!" whenever they died in some
stupid imaginary game, and from then on until I was about 7, I thought that
was what people said when they die, no matter what situation they were in,
or how they died.

Psycho Kitty Bob
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when i was little i used to believe dying your hair meant that when you died your hair would change colour to red or green or something.

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I thought when someone was cremated, their body was put into a huge butter churn and they were, well, "cremated"!

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A friend of my mum's had gotten divorced but aged about 9 I didn't know that, I just knew the guy's wife had disappeared and so when I used his bathroom one day I sw that the shower curtain was pulled shut so obviously my mum's friend had murdered his wife and left her body in the bath.

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I used to think that if you stayed up all night twice, you'd die! My mom probably told me that to keep me from staying up too late. :P

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I used to belive that the New Years ball exploded, and people who were near it died.

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its not my belief but my 7 yr old sons.After his great grandfathers death,we had to go find a plot to put his ashes in and took master 7 with us.We found one which was a 30cm square.He wondered how he'd fit in there he was too big to be queezed in there

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For some odd reason, when I was a kid, I used to believe that if I died, I would still see the world through someone else's eyes, maybe like reincarnation, I don't know. But that ended one day when someone asked me if I can see the world through someone else's eyes when I'm asleep. Guess not. heh.

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I used to believe that when i died it was like a super mario game... I had a certain number of lives.

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When i was liitle i always thought when people died they ALWAYS had their toungues out so when i was playing dead i stuck my toungue out and people always wondered what i was doing...my sister told me later that people usually have their mouths closed but i didn't believe her and just kept sticking my toungue out ....well now i know better

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I use to think that when ever my parents and I had went to a open house that was for sale ...i use to think that their was always someone who died in there .. i was so afriad i would't touch anything cause i thought that the spirit would come to haunt you for the rest of your life!

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Until I was about 12 years old or so, I thought Heaven was on the Moon. My grandfather had died when I was young and whenever I asked Granny where he was, she would point to the Moon. Needless to say, seeing Neil Armstrong step foot on "Heaven" was disconcerting.

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