i used to believe

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Back in high school i had to do a debate on "euthanasia" however never having heard the word before, thought my teacher said "youth in Asia". I spent 2 weeks working on a believable reason why youth shouldn't be allowed in Asia. The day of the debate i was so ready and well prepared that i told my teacher my group could go first. I realized my mistake only when the Chinese girl i was debating with ran out of the class crying.

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I used to think that, when you died, you would go on top of the clouds and have a giant slumber party with all the other dead people (using clouds as pillows, etc.). So, the first time I went in an airplane, I was surprised to not see anyone on the tops of the clouds. Then, I thought, "Oh, they must have heard the plane coming, and decided to play hide-and-seek!"

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For years as a kid I was always confused when people talked about euthanasia. I heard it as 'youth in Asia' and always wondered why everyone talked about the kids over there.

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I used to believe that if you were killed, you came back; but if you were murdered, you didn't. lol!

M.O. LeClair
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When I was younger, I used to think that the visible rays of sun you sometimes see coming out of clouds only came out when someone had died. I thought that the ray of light somehow came down and transported the person to heaven. It was actually kind of a nice thought!

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I thought everyone lived to be exactly 100 and then died on their 100th birthday (if they didn't die from accident, murder etc before then) Later when I learned about life expectancy I thought everyone in that country lived to be exactly that age and then died.

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Until I was 13, I believed that when someone was killed in a car crash, they were burried where the memorial stood...I told my parents that if I died in a car crash, I didn't want to be burried on the side of the road.

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When I was little, I believed that people would live forever if they exercised. It confused when I heard of someone dying. I would think " why didn't they just exercise"??

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Both my mum and I used to believe that people couldn't live beyond 100: obviously you could die of old age before then, but 100 years was the automatic cut-off point.
I just believed that when you fell asleep after your 100th birthday, you'd automatically die.
Mum used to believe that the entire old lady, rocking-chair included, ascended to heaven in a column of light.

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I used to think life was a dream and I was in heaven

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When I asked how my grandma had died (before I was born) someone told me that it was cancer that killed her. It sounded like Cancer was the name of a person, and for the longest time I had an image in my mind of my grandma minding her own business in a bar and some western-style villain named Cancer just walked in (through the swinging saloon doors) and shot her.

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I used to believe, until I was probably twelve or so, that a "deathbed" was an actual piece of furniture. When I was really young, I thought it was a bed that could kill you (like the myth of Procrustes), and when I was preteen-aged, I thought it was a bed that people bought specifically to die on, when they knew their time was running out. Either way, I thought it was an incredibly morbid concept.

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I used to think that when you died, and went to heaven, God would meet you there (I thought he'd look something between Albus Dumbledore and Santa Clause) and take you to a place where they have these inverted conics, with televisions attached to them, and you and God would sit in the clouds and watch your life from beginning to end with each other. he would then decide whether you could stay in heaven, or go to a cloud jail, which is where the bad people went, because I thought God was to nice to send people to Hell.

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When I was little, some friends and I believed that we could see ghosts. We had this group and we would describe all of the ghosts we saw to each other. Although it was mostly imagination, it was still fun.

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This is actually my son's belief and it is pretty macabre!
The first time he saw mannequins in a shop he turned around and asked: Mum, why did they kill people and then put clothes on?

Kiko Ray
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I thought you always die if you A. get cancer or B. have a heart attack

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I used to believe that if I let go of a helium-filled balloon outside, it would reach my daddy in heaven. My sister and I would get those balloons they give kids after eating at Shoneys and come home and write notes to our Dad in sharpie.

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I thought that life is a dream and when you die you wake up (maybe it's true who knows?)

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I thought that if you took a drink out of the drinking fountain at the cemetary, blood would come out of the faucet.

Alison Wonderland
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I used to believe that when people died, they flew to heaven in their coffins.

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