i used to believe

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I used to think that when there were going to be people who died in a movie, the producers held a meeting of people who wanted to die in real life and then chose someone to cast in the movie and that person actually died.

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when i was young i used to think that people who died in movies wanted to die in real life.

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I was at a museum with dad once and we was these skeletons. i thought people cut off the dead peoples noses after they died!

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When I was about 4 or 5,my grandmother died, and my mom "explained" to me that dying is like sleeping, you jus never wake up...well I was so scared, I would refuse to sleep for like a week...

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When i was smaller i used to think that the people were sleeping and needed to be kissed by a prince.
(Fairy Tales screw kids up huh?)

Steph 15
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I believed that Rigor Mortis was the name of a lounge singer that my parents would go out and see sing sometimes.

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i used to fear those little fertilizer balls jumping into my mouth and poisoning me

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when i was in like 2nd grade i thought that if u spun around and u didnt spin back around the other way the same amount of times so u where back where u started, i thought u would die faster (i was an idiot back then)

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When I was small, I read the goosebumps book with the camera that would show your fate in it. I became very scared and the next time we took family pictures... My face went pale and eyes dilated before they took the picture. I freaked out about it and it took us half an hour to get another picture.

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When I was little I thought my grandmothers oldest brother had died of heart disease. When she corrected me, years later that he had, in fact, died in the war, she asked me why I thought that.
"I thought you said he had a Purple heart." I replied

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when i was litttle when someone died i thought that they became a baby again and lived for another life and the reproduction never ended

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One night, I heard an ambulance accompanied by a loud, awful moaning sound. I thought it was from the spirit of the dying person being carried away in the ambulance. I turned out to be the neighbour's dog.

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my mum was discussing with my aunt doner cards in america, saying how it was a good idea the doctors could take all yr organs out to save other people, failing to mention it was only if u died. i thought everyone at some point would have to go to hospital and give them all there organs. i was terrified that americans were going to bring these cards over here and whenever i saw something made in america, i would be scared shitless the carda where next.

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i used to believe when you died you came back to life

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I used to believe that when you died, your tongue would automatically stick out. Whenever I played dead, I would stick my tongue out. When I was 9, my brother told me I stupid after I "died" during a game of "cops and robbers."

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When I was around 9 my neighbor, sister and I sat down to play on the Uijji Board. We all closed our eyes and did the whole ritual. We supposedly met a man named "Fernando" who died in a freak balooning accident. I got really scared and asked all these serious questions like, "Do you think we should ask him if we could bring him back?! but he might make us kill someone!." I was really terrified, I tried talking to Fernando all the time after that. I now know it was nothing more than an immature prank. *sigh*

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I used to believe that everyone died when they turned 40.

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When I was little, I thought only certain people died, maybe only the bad ones. Playing in the park one day a little boy told me "everybody dies". I didn't believe him, so I punched him ran upstairs and cried.

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when i was young i used to believe that if you fell in a hole you would fall out of the sky and die.

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I used to believe that when you turned 13 whoever lived in my house would blow up and come back as a animal!(when i was 6)

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