i used to believe

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top belief!

My parents didn't get married until I was 4 and my brother was 8. One day my aunt was taking care of us and I asked my borther where my parents were. He said they were getting married, but I thought he said 'buried' and cried until they came home because I thought they were dead.

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When I was little I used to believe that those little storage beds that go in the back of a truck, was a coffin. I thought the trucks that had those storage things had dead people in them.

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I thought "cemetery" was "Jim and Terry", a couple that were friends with my parents. When anybody mentioned the cemetery, i thought they were talking about Jim and Terry's house.

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top belief!

As a child I believed that when people died a kind of huge soul vaccuum would hover over the deceased's houses and then suck people's souls out up to heaven through some kind of tube. But as time went on and I physically never saw these tubes the belief finally was replaced with atheism

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When I was little I thought if you had a dream about falling that if you hit the ground you'd die instantly from heart attack.

Christine A.W.
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my older brother told me that if i didnt clean every bit of dirt out of the prints on my feet, i'd die

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When I was little I believed that people only died at night. So, I'd sleep with my light on thinking that I'd die if it was turned off. I only thought I was safe if someone else was there, like a friend. Until one night when it was lightning and the lights went off, I panicked for awhile and went to sleep at 6 a.m. when I found out I was still alive.

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When I was a little kid I believed that everyone's heart in my family beat at the same time. I thought that if one of us died we would feel their heart stop beating.

Belle O'Cosity
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top belief!

As my deceased aunt's coffin was being sent into the furnace at the crematorium, my cousin's four year-old son said loudly to his two year-old sister "you do know they all come back as zombies...". He was rapidly silenced by his mum.

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top belief!

When we were quite smallmy sister and i would avoid the dining room. We thought since there was a "living" room that the dining room was the "dying" room". We thought people went in there to die. We were weird kids.

Miss Chockie
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I once asked my mum if they would still print what page the bingo numbers were on in the Sun newspapers front page, if the queen died.
I was convinced that the bingo numbers were so highly important that nothing would stop them being on the front page,
as evertime I saw the paper they were on it or so I thought.
Hope that makes sense!

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top belief!

I used to believe that if the queen died we would all die too. I think it had somthing to do with bees.

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A religious friend of mine in grade 1 told me that if I pointed to a cemetary, my finger would shrivel and fall off. I didn't believe him, so for years, I would point at every cemetary I could find. This habit continued well into my twenties.

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I used to believe that my Grandad died as a result of showing off to my Grandma one day on holiday in Scotland. My Grandma was sitting in a boat on a lake and my Grandad tried to jump from an overhanging cliff into the boat to impress her. He nearly made it, but caught his leg on the side of the boat, broke his leg and died. It was only a few months ago that I realised that this story is a mix of several different family stories that I had obviously overheard while very young, with a healthy measure of pure fantasy. He actually died of a heart attack, which is much less inetersting....

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top belief!

I was once told by a friend at school that if you sneeze you actually die for a split second.

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When I will little I use to believe my mum would be around forever - she died when I was 13.

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this wasn't mine, but my uncle's.

in the 50's when he, the first-born of the family, was about 5 years old, my grandparents hired
a painter to paint a picture of him. because all people in the portraits he had seen during his short life were
already dead, he thought that being painted meant always getting killed. if I remember correctly he
had the most creepiest thought that portraits in general were made OUT OF PEOPLE.
when the day of the artist's arrival came closer, my lil' uncle became more and more depressed.
my grandparents were naturally excited about this whole project and counted days
as my uncle grew more and more anxious. finally, he burst into tears and
sobbed " please, mom and dad, I don't want to die...".
well, the things were sorted out and explained to him finally, the painting completed
and the dreaded portrait still hangs on his wall.

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top belief!

I used to believe that the wax to make candles came from dead peoples ears. I think someone told me candle wax was a man made substance.

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top belief!

My mother once (jokingly) said that if I didn't dry my hands, I would die.

I dried them every time until I was 6.

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I found out the old guy who lived next door had died, and had been cremated. One day not long after we were driving into Lancaster and my Mom pointed out the hospice to me. It had all these silver pipes running in and out of one side of the biggest building. I thought that they pushed the dead oldies into these pipes and they landed in the incinerator. I found out (years) later that these were air-conditioning ducts.

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