i used to believe

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When I was little, I used to believe that everyone died on their 100th birthday.

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My sister told be that everyone has an identical twin called their alma matter and if you ever saw your alma matter, you would disappear.

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One day on a field trip our bus was passing the cemetary and my friend told me to quikly hold my breath. I did and after we passed it I asked her why we had done that. She said that if you didn't hold your breath when passing a graveyard, then a ghost could fly up your nose! O_O

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My brother and I thought that you burped before you died, so whenever we played dead we'd let out a huge belch and drop to the ground.

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When I was very young I was told that dying could happen to anyone at anytime. I was from then on terrified that I would suddenly and without reason die violently (think spontaneous combustion). It wasn't till I was older that I realized what was meant by that statement.

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When I was about 4 my mom told my friend tyler that he couldnt touch the green electrical boxes or he would die. He naturally told me this terrible consequence and I never touched a green box again till I was 12.

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When he was little, my brother believed that cemeterys were where people went when they wanted to die, and that going into a cemetery automatically killed you. One day we were going for a walk that lead through a little cemetery. He started crying and said he wasn't ready to die yet.

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I use to believe that if you faint half your life was gone. I remember when I was about 6, my sister had fainted, and I started crying. My reason being is that I thought my sister had lost half her life.

If this was true, I would have been dead now. I'm glad that I can say it was an 'I used to believe' theory.

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My mother told me rain at a funeral meant that God was taking that person to heaven. I thought it was a well known "thing" and convinced myself of it because most film and T.V. funerals have rain. It wasn't until my grandmothers recent funeral when I pointed out that it was raining that she told me she had made it up for me and my siblings when it had rained at my grandfathers funeral ten years earlier.

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I thought you always die if you get shot (no matter where you get shot) I learned the truth when I was watching some movie with me mom where someone gets shot and survives and I asked "how did he do that I thought you always die if you get shot"

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When I was in Kindergarten, I heard that a teacher at my school was getting fired. I thought. "Oh no! She is going to die if she gets fired!" I told my parents that and then my mom told me the truth.

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I used to think that everyone was actually asleep and that this was another world they just happened to go to while asleep and when we died we were actually waking up in that real world.

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I used to believe that Wendy's was named after the first little girl the old man cut up in his kitchen and cooked into hamburgers. this may have had a lot to do with my brothers telling me if i went into Wendy's the old man would cut me up and eat me too! brothers are horrible.

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After seeing the video for "Thriller" by Michael Jackson, I believed that blood made you die. For a while, any time I got a cut or scrape that caused me to bleed, I took this as a sign of my impending death! My mother informed me, years later, that I would become so upset, I would work myself up to the point where I was crying to hard to breathe, and I would pass out! (It freaked her out the first few times, then she just got used to it, it didn't carry on very long)

Tiffany Jane
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When I was about 5 a friend of mine told me that the tufted grass that you see on roadside embankments was the hair of dead people that had been buried in the hillside.

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I used to believe that in order to get to heaven after you died, some one had to take your body up in a plane and drop you off.

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When I was little, I believed that, rather than dying, when people got too old, they simply turned into kids again. My dad would always say stuff like "I'm gonna go play on the swings!" and I'd say "No, daddy, you have to wait until you turn into a kid again!"

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I used to believe that when people died they came back on choo choo trains that was similar to the train in the movie Dumbo

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I always used to think that when someone was referred to as "late", it meant that they had just died in the past year

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When I was little I thought that the stones in cemeteries were put there to keep the dead people from getting out of the ground. I eventually mentioned to my mother how relieved I was that the dead people couldn't get out, i had nightmares for years after she told me that wasnt their purpose.

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