i used to believe

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I was once told by a friend at school that if you sneeze you actually die for a split second.

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I used to believe that if the queen died we would all die too. I think it had somthing to do with bees.

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When we were quite smallmy sister and i would avoid the dining room. We thought since there was a "living" room that the dining room was the "dying" room". We thought people went in there to die. We were weird kids.

Miss Chockie
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When I was little, I used to believe that if you put your hands in the air, then you couldn't be killed. This was why whenever anyone pulled a gun in Starsky & Hutch, everybody would quickly put their hands up.

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My grandmother frequently tells everyone that, when I was young and in a cemetary for a funeral, I claimed, "It's all right, when it's night, they all come out and dance."

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I used to believe that if you accidentally inhaled a whiff of Raid whilst killing a bug, that you only had a few hours to live. And I did once, when I was six. Inhale a whiff, that is. But I didn't die, which was a relief after a pretty tortured hour of doubt. And I didn't tell Mom about it, because I wasn't supposed to be using the Raid. So I walked around thinking "this is the last time I'll ever get to do _______ again", like swinging or climbing a tree, or watching CHiPs.

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I had no concept of death, I used to believe that everyone lived to 100, at which point they instantly turned back into babies!

Jeanette, UK
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As a kid I worried a lot. I used to think that my grandmother, who were 75, could die at any moment. And then when my mother walked in, and found her dead. I figured she would die from the shock. Then when my father would come and see them both dead and he would die too, and I would be all alone in the world! I hoped that the neighbours would let me stay with them.

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I used to believe that when you die you turn into an animal.
A week later I got a new dog and I called it Granny

Bob #1
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When I would watch TV and hear something like "Bank Robbery with two people killed, news at 11:00"...I thought that somebody KNEW this was going to happen, and I wondered why they never stopped it before it happened...at 11:00!

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When i was 9, I used to beleive that you would go to hell if you didn't say the lords prayer three times just before you died. The lords prayer had to be the last thing you said .. and you had to say it in full three times.

I used to wander around saying it under my breath just in case something happened to me too quick and I didn't have time to say it.

I must have looked pretty damn strange.

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My mom told me one day that she was going to a funeral. I thought it was a place to buy fruit.

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When my son was little, he told me that he knew why we buried dead people .... then he carefully explained ..... 'so we don't trip over them.'

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When I was a kid I overheard my parents talking about "The Baby Boom". I thought it was a problem of small children suddenly exploding.

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I lived in a northern town in British Columbia where our family of 5 children used to run wild all day just coming in for meals. I was about 3/4 years old and came across the neighbour's cat lying in a field blown apart by a shotgun. I went home and told my mother and she said that Mr. McGregor (yes he really was called that!) had shot the cat because he was sick. About a week later I was in bed with a high fever. My mother was stroking my forehead, saying, "Poor Sandy, Sandy's sick". I immediately asked if my dad "was gonna shot me?"

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I used to believe that, as heaven was in the sky and it was always represented as people floating about on clouds, grey clouds had more dead people on them. The darker the cloud, the more dead people on it. And they could SEE you...

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By the age of 4 or 5, I'd noted my parents were taller than my grandparents, and both were taller than my great-grandmother (whom I'd been told would soon die). I therefore concluded that people grew to a peak height at my parents' age, then progressively shrank thereafter. I assumed at the time that Great-Granny's 'death' would be a matter of her shrinking to nothingness in her bed. This latter part of the theory was revised after her funeral a couple of years later.

Randy Whitaker
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This story is still a source of hilarity in my family whenever it is recalled. When I was a very small child, my family had goldfish and tropical fish as pets. Occasionally, when one of the fish would die, I would see my mother or father removing the fish from the tank and giving it a rather inglorious funeral service by flushing it down the commode. It happened that one of my aunts died and my mom and dad were readying themselves for the funeral and when they explained to me where they were going and why, I apparently asked them if they were going to flush Aunt Wanda down the toilet. Of course, up until that point in my young life, my only experience of death were the fish being transported away through the toilet.

Charles Maurer
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I used to believe that when you died your coffin was taken up to heaven by a helicopter. I remember wanting to be buried in the cupboard in my old school room, because the doors didn't quite shut properly and I would be able to take advantage of the great views.

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I used to believe that they filled peoples coffins with peas, hence the saying...Rest In Peas. I was in my teens when i found out that it really meant...peace

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