i used to believe

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When i was little my mom told me that when people died they turned to dust. So when i played under the bed and saw dust i thought it was dead people.

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I used to believe that if you cut off the circulation of a body part, then that body part would become white until it became totally invisible. So my concept for someone passing away was that all their blood was gone and all their skinned became invisible. Also known as a ghost.

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My belief was that heaven was on top of big white fluffy clouds, that men and women would be literally sat on these clouds dressed in ancient Greek style robes playing Connect Four. The first time I flew, I remember watching intently believing that we were going to see heaven, as we rose in the clouds, a little child screamed 'Polar Bear' waking my at times dippy mother who yelled look Becks a Polar Bear! At however many feet I intuitively realised that we couldn't see a Polar Bear on Earth but I was slightly bemused as to what has happed to Heaven.

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i used to think that everybody died by falling off a building.i know its wierd but i saw it in a movie and thought that eveyone died that way.

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I used to believe that everyone carried maggot "eggs", or "larvae" in their bodies and when they died, the maggots knew it and came to life to eat your body.

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when i was yunger i thought that if you ate vegtables you will die because my friend died (because of a heartattack) one hour after she ate vegtables

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When I was 7,I had a peculiar fear of Helen Keller.I was always afraid to sleep at night because I was afraid that she would get a knife and cut my head off.

kitkat bar
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My little brother believed that cemetaries had streets in them so that the dead people would have a place to park their cars.

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When I was a child, I didn't know the difference between a graveyard and cemetary. Since they always called it a "cemetery" in the movies, and a "graveyard" in real life, I thought that cemeteries were where famous people were buried, and graveyards were for normal people. I even had an argument with my friend about it when I was 10!

Clueless Cemetery
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I used to think that 'poisonous' meant something that would KILL you if you ate it. I used to like chewing pencils, but one day my teacher told us not to chew them because the paint is poisonous. I was afraid to tell the teacher that I'd been chewing the pencil in case I got in trouble, but at the same time I was absolutely convinced that I was about to die. I said I felt sick and got the nurse to send me home, so I could die with my mummy...

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i was raised on tom waits music and whereas most people believed that it was bad luck to not hold one's breath passing a graveyard i always whistled.

funny, but not really
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When I was small, I thought guns, rather than having bullets, had small poisonous rocks in them, and that if you even stroked one, or sniffed the air around it, you would die! I also thought that when somebody was shot, the bullet could be used again and again and again...

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My grandma died when I was three years old, but I have always felt like I have a special connection with her because we share a name although I can't even remember her. When I was younger, I thought if I prayed hard enough God would direct me to my grandma and I could talk to her. At church, my parents would always ask me why I prayed for so long, but all I was trying to do was talk to Grandma.

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I used to believe that just touching bug-killing poison would result in you dying in an hour. I once was at my village, and I accidentally touched a plant which was all sprinkled in said poison. I spent a lot of time worrying that I was going to die at any moment - I didn't know how much time an hour was!

The girl who didn't quite understand how bug poison worked
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I always thought that being buried in a cemetery or graveyard meant the undertakers would take the body out of the coffin and was relieved to find out the opposite at my grandpa's funeral. That would be so creepy.

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When my favorite Uncle died, I thought if I stared at him in his coffin he would open his eyes and be alive.

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I was shocked when I found out that people actually bled after being shot.We never saw blood in the old black and white movies we saw on TV in the fifties.

Hollyin La
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When I was around 6, I thought that the earth will be fully destroyed in 2000 and the human beings shall be disappeared. Thanks God, it's 2003 now I am 23 already.

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When I was a kid, I used to believe people died once they were over 21.

Pleased my mother for years though, because I refused to believe she was older than 21, even though she had turned 40! :)

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when i was little i used to believe to die i had to twirl around and kiss my toes at the same time.. so one day i was really sad because my favorite fish died and i wanted to die .. so there i was twirling around on my front lawn with my butt up in the air trying to kiss my toes at the same time crying "GOD PLEASE TAKE ME FROM THIS HORRIBLE WORLD" and all my neighbours thought i was totally insane .. and the men with the white coats came and took me away and i just got out .. HOORAY FOR SANITY

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