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chewing gum

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top belief!

I used to have the hardest time with the concept of 'Sugar Free' chewing gum. I wasn't sure whether it meant you got free sugar with the gum, or if it was just extra sweet.

My friend went to this camp called 'Sugar Free Kids'. I had an especially hard time with that one.

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As a child I would swallow my bubble gum when I was through chewing it. I didn't see the harm in it until my Grandmother caught me one day. She began to explain that if I were to swallow my gum that watermelons could possibly grow in my stomach. That was the last time I ever swallowed gum again. And, no, I never did grow any watermelons.

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top belief!

Remember how your parents told you that if you fell asleep with gum in your mouth, you would wake up and it would be in your hair? Well I used to believe that this occurred through a process of the gum seeping through the head and then coming out of your hair folicles. So, one night I fell asleep with gum in my mouth. I woke up at some time that night and became afraid that the gum would seep through my head and get in my hair, so I took it out and set it on my pillow. Needless to say, I woke up in the morning with gum in my hair.

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top belief!

my sister once told me that my eyeballs expelled air, so if i were to chew up some bubblegum and place it over my eye and blink a whole bunch, i could blow a bubble. i thought that would be the coolest thing ever so i tried it... needless to say, i had gum stuck in my eyelashes, and eyebrows for days... i will never forgive her for that...

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one day i was chewwing gum before i went to bed and i almost ended up falling asleep so my dad came in and said hey i wouldnt chew that gum when you are slepping i asked why and he said that a little boy went to sleep and the gum grew and ate him. So ever since i never chewed gum at night.

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top belief!

I used to believe that if u swallowed too much gum all ur bones wood stick together and u wouldnt be able to move your arms and legs

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I used to swallow my gum so one day my dad told me that when I swallow it, it would get stuck with all the other gum and form into a ball and stick to my organs and then the docors would have to surgically remove it. I still swallowed my gum anyway.. and still do!

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When I was little, my mom would tell me that if I swallowed chewing gum, my stomach would stick together.

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if you chewed chewing gum are your teeth will rote and fall out

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I used to belive that if you swalled
chewing gum that moles would cover your whole body.well affter 2 days I had 4 moles on my arm! well affter 2 weeks no more moles so I stoped beliving that.

how stupid was I
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i used to beleive that if you chewed gum it woul give you warts in your mouth my sister told me this

sunney jim of the pearl
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I used to belive that if you ate buble gum you would get zits my brother told me that. i belived that for 3 years.

mother pearl
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i used to beleive that if you swalled gum it would give you chiken pox

nose picker
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I am a big fan of chewing gum!!!when I was 4 or 5 I used to think that we can grow & plant chewing gum so I took 2 pieces & dig a small hole in the garden & buried them & used to water my future chewing gum tree everyday till I gave up & told myself it's much better & easier to buy chewing gum than to try to grow it :-) ?!!

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I used to believe that chewing gum stayed in your stomach for seven years. At thirteen I decided I needed to loose weight and started swallowing gum to fill up my stomach so I'd feel full all the time and wouldnt want to eat food.

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i always thought that if you swalled chewing gum you would turn into it.

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I remember I was like only 4 and my 2 teenage aunts were twin sisters and were always chewing gum and i wanted it and they didn't let me and sed "gum is 4 girls" and one time i was at a barber shop with my dad and the barber asked me if i wanted sum gum and i said "no!! gum is for girls" and years l8r i was old enuf 4 gum

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top belief!

I think this stemmed from the belief that when you swallow watermelon seeds you would grow a water melon in your stomach (which of course some evil grown up told me). Somehow I applied this theory to gum, but it was obvious that it wouldn't grow in my stomach..that would just be stupid! So instead I picked a perfect spot to plant my gum. Everyday I went out to water it waiting for it to sprout. I soon moved from that place but didn't give up on my tree. Iwould beg my mom to drive by even years later to see if my gum tree had grown. I really thought I was onto something...I mean imagine how much money you would save if you grew your own gum

Melinda Boulder, Co
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i thought that those dried big glob of glue inside food wrappers were gum. i always peal them off and start chewing and wondered why they couldn't put a better taste there.

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When I was little, my mom told me that if I swallowed gum, then a gum tree would grow in my stomache and it would make my stomache explode.

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