chewing gum
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When I was little i thought that if you ate too much gum it would all gather in your butt-hole, and the only way out was to have a doctor squirt orange juice (like from oranges) up your butt, through a tury baster.
I had been always swallowing gum when it was bad for me and now I've stopped. This is because one time when after chewing gum. I was asked what happened to it. I said that I chewed on it and let it down my throat. My brother replied that swallowing gum is bad for me. I kept telling him I didn't swallow it. But he kept trying to correct me. This was because I thought to 'swallow' meant to eat with just a few bites when it had actually meant to put from inside your mouth to your throat.
When I was about 5 years old, I had chewing gum for the first time, and I was told I couldn't swallow it. However, I ended up swallowing it anyway, and concluded that I was the only person who could swallow gum and that I was smarter than everyone else, because they couldn't swallow gum.
A couple of years later, my brother told me that if you swallow chewing gum, it stayed in your stomach for seven years, and I believed him. I was then terrified of swallowing gum, and I counted how many years it would take before the gum I'd previously swallowed would come out...
That if you wet a sweet wrap and put it in the freezer overnight, you'd get chewing gum.
i ued to belive when i was 5, that is u swallowed to much chewing gum, u would turn in to a giant buble and float away to hevan!
My mom told me that gum couldn't be digested, so you shouldn't swallow it.
I thought this meant that is I swallowed my gum is would just sit at the bottom of my stomach for the rest of my life.
So every time I chewed gum and did swallow it, I imagined that that chunk went down and added itself to the pile of undigested gum.
when i was like 6 my older brother told me that if i swallowed my gum it would stick to my insides and block all the food from getting to my stomach so i was terrified for years!!! then i realized differently
my next door neighbour told me that if i swallowed my chewing gum i would blow bubbles out of my bum...that was right after id swallowed the gum!
I used to believe that if I swallow a gum, I wont be able to poop again cause it would stuck there....guess u know what I mean with THERE! :p
I used to believe that if you swallowed chewing gum, your intestines would get stuck together!
i used to believe that if u chewed gum too long u would turn into a cow
top belief!
the first time I ever had gum, my mom told me not to swallow because it was bad for you. She left the room and came back twenty minutes later and saw me drooling. I did not understand you could swallow saliva.
i used to thhink iit took 7 years 4 gum to digest then it would come out the same ways when you swaalowed it
i didn't taste gum till i was 7 and my brother till he was 10 (we're 3 yrs apart). so when my dad brought us some gum after work one day, my brother and i were AMAZED. "what is this new type of candy??" "it's amazing" .we would stick it on walls and on doors.
When I swallowed gum I imagined it sticking to the inside walls of me, specifically in my arms, and thinking that there was plenty of room if I accidentally swallowed more gum.
When I was a kid I used to chew gum all the time. My mum used to tell me that if you swallowed it, it would get wrapped around your ribs and get stuck in your chest. Quite a troubling image and i still get nervous if i cough with gum in my mouth
I used to believe that if u swallowed your gum that soon u would explode! i was 6 wen i believed that im 10 now!
When I was about 8, my mom joked to me that if you swallowed chewing gum it'd gum up your guts.
I spent weeks terrified of swallowing chewing gum and that I'd die. One day I fell of my bike and swallowed some by accident. I ran back home, crying like crazy. My mom asked me what was wrong, and started laughing when I explained that it wasn't the fall, but the "chewing gum thing". They still rib me about that.
My 5 year old cousin thinks you can die if you chew too much gum for to long, so she chews half a peice for about 15 seconds, spits it on the ground. Chews the other half for 15 more seconds, spits that out than asks me for more, when i say no, she asks my other cousin, then my aunt....
My mom didn't want me to choke on bubblegum when i was younger, so she always used to tell me that if i ate bubblegum while riding in the car, or talked with it in my mouth, it would automatically roll down my throat and would choke.
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