chewing gum
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As a child my mother would tell me that if I swallowed gum, I would end up blowing bubbles out my rear if I farted and it would be really embarrasing.
My boyfriends granmother told him when he was a young boy that if he swallowed chewing gum it would go into his 'bits bag' (located somewhere near your heart) When your 'bits bag' is full, you die.
My boyfriend is now 27, he made me promise him that i would not swallow my chewing gum, because he is scaried i will die.
my mom made me believe that if i swallowed my chewing gum, it would form one big wad in my stomach.
when i was little i used eat this gum with a zebra stripes on it and a zebra on the pack and one day i asked my older cousin why it had zebra stuff all over it and she said it was made from baby zebras...
I used to believe that gum was made outta pig fat becuase of what my dad told me. I believed him for years.
My mum told me that if I swallowed my chewing gum, the gum would stick to my internal organs and I'd have to go for an operation to get the chewing gum out of me.
top belief!
My brother once told me that if you planted a peice of gum that you hadn't chewed yet and you didnt take the wrapper off would grow into a money tree. I think that later he snuck outside and nabbed the piece of gum.
When I was little, I was a REALLY good bubble blower. But one day my brother told me the bubble would get so big that it would pop around my face and I would suffocate. Still to this day, I don't blow bubbles, and if I see somone else blowing one, even a really tiny one, I cringe and cover my face. And I'm 23 in two months!!!
when iwas younger... i had asked my dad hwere gum really came from b/c me nd my friedns where tlkin nd they said it came from whale blubber... but i loved gum so0 i was really hopping it didnt so0... i asked my dad b/c i thgought he knew erything ... so he says well you kno how gum can b sticky.. i said uh..huh... and hewas like well they tryd to make glue nd they messed up so ppl just started eating and now its popular i told all friends i really thought it was the truth....
I was told when I was little that if you swallowed gum it would sit in your stomach for 7 years. I know a lot of other people have been told that too, but at the age of 23, I still believe it.
my dad told me a long time ago that if i swallowed gum it would go into my lungs and keep me from breathing! of coarse i have no clue why he told me a story to make me not want to swallow gum but it sure worked for a couple of years. by the way if u push your nose while you swallow gum it helps you swallow =) thats a fact!
Because it's awkward to do in public (yes, people can and do give you dirty looks for this), I prefer to swallow gum instead of spitting it in a trash can. This started at a young age.
My parents told me if I continued to swallow the gum, it would "gum up" my insides and my body would stop functioning properly.
For some reason, I didn't care enough about this to stop swallowing my gum.
When I was two years old, I ate chewing gum thinking that it was candy. When I was six, I was told that if you swallowed chewing gum, it would stay in your stomach for seven years. I actually believed that!
top belief!
when i was young i used to think when u would buy suger-free chewing gum you got suger free with the chewing gum
When I was very young, around 5 or 6 yrs. old, I remember my mother telling me that if you swallowed your chewing gum, it would stick to your appendix and you'd have to have surgery. I guess I stuck that in the back of my mind and never thought much about it until I was about 20, right after I'd gotten married. I accidentally swallowed my gum, while doing housework. All of a sudden I remembered what my mother had told me. I always trusted my mother. Go figure.
top belief!
when i was a little girl and i would by mistake swallow my gum. well i would cry to my mom, and she told me to lay down and close my eyes. wile i closed my eyes she would take the gum out of HER mouth and "pull" it out of my belly button and say "see mommy has her magic she fixed its all better" and i was so happy!!!
When I was about 5 and started chewing gum, and sometime I accidentally swallowed it, I used to believe there were 2 rods inside my stomach to wind up the swallowed gum: one for the pink gum and another for the white gum (there wasn't all sorts of gum colours back them. The gum would be rolled up around the rods as cord. It's terribly stupid, I know. I was 5, see.
My dad told me that Chiclets gum (the kind little kids sell on the streets in Mexico) was made from gum scraped up off the sidewalks. I can't eat Chiclets to this day.
One of my fam members tried to stop me from swallowing my gum by telling me if i did, and then later had to go to the bathroom, # 2, i'd blow up into a bubble and the only way to get down was for PaPa to shoot me down w/ his shot gun....I never swallowed gum again except for one time and then i didn't go #2 for a week...It took my mother a lot of convincing to get me to go....I believed this at least until i was like 11 yrs old.
As stupid as it is, I remeber when I was about 4 years old and I used to be frighted to DEATH of the bubble writing on the bubbilicious bubble gum wrapper. I know that its sound very made-up but I remeber not being able to go to sleep because I was scared of the font. lol
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