chewing gum
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My father hated chewing gum so he told me that chewing gum was made of cat's gut. I had always assumed that it was tru and didn't realize that it wasn't until I was in my 20's (and I still can't chew gum)
When i was younger a friend told me chewing gum was made from cat guts, they got the guts and added flavour to it, it never stoped me chewing though
Here I am laughing at what kids think. As a kid I've believed a couple of the things as well.
Until I get the to gum section. Imagine my shock to learn that gum does NOT stay in the stomach for several years like I've always believed. I had to Google it to prove myself wrong just now. I'm 34.
top belief!
when i was young i used to believe that if you swallowed chewing gum, it would get all stuck around your rib cage. i once cried when i swallowed some with fear of it happening.
When I was in pre-school, my friends and I would chew on the stuff in plant stems because an older kid told us it was "Indian chewing gum"
My sister told me that when I swallowed Bubble Gum, it stayed in my stomach forever. She said that I had a bubble gum gum tree inside of me, and it grew with every piece I swallowed.
top belief!
My Grand father told me that if i swallowed chewing gum i would stick to the toilet
when tongue splashers gum first come out, a rumor went around my school that the gum permanently stained your whole mouth whatever color the gumball was. the whole school was in mass hysteria for about a week until someone discovered the effects were only temporary.
i used to believe that chewing gum was poisonous
I used to believe that if you chewed gum while going to the bathroom then you'd swallow it and poop it out right then.
when i was young i used to believe that chewing gum was made out of cows feet
When I was 8 this mean girl in my school told me that her dog ate a piece of gum and it pooped out all it's organs because it stuck them all together. I believed her because she was a grade or two older than me. Soon after I was chewing gum and it fell out of my mouth and my dog ate before I could get to it. I cried for like an hour. Even after my parent's told me it wasn't true, I followed my dog around for a while waiting for him to go.
I would calculate how old I would be before the gum I just swallowed would go through my system, since it took seven years
My mom always said if i swallow gum it will get stuck in ur stomach 4 ever and it will grow in a ball and make ur stomach bigger!
I thought that if you fell asleep with gum in your mouth you would die so you had to stick it to your head board or whatever for the next day. And if you did that it would taste even better too.
My cousin used to tell me not to swallow my gum cause i had a bone in the middle of my chest and the gum would pile on top of and if i kept swallowing it, it would eventually come out my mouth and i would have to have surgery to get it removed. How horrible hun?!
I used to believe that a man's Adam's apple was the result of years of swallowing chewing gum and it gets stuck in their throats! If I ever swallowed any gum I would feel my adams apple to see if it had grown!!
When I was little a friend told me that if you swallow chewing gum it stays in your stomach for 7 years. After I was married I told my husband and he laughed until he choked!
When I was little, my dad told me that my uncle could make gum come out of his ear. I believed him because I "knew" that people could make water come out their ears, so why not gum? He even had this big story about how one time it got stuck and he had to go to the doctor. The sad part is I found out he was lying when I was about 11 or 12.
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