chewing gum
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When I was young, I used to believe that if I swallowed my gum, it would be stored someplace in my body until I turned 18, when it would all come out at once. So I always made sure to spit my gum out.
I also thought that if I forced my eyes out of focus that it would affect everyone else's vision, too. They would see things blurry, just like I did. Finally, when I was about 10, I sat my Mom down and did it, and of course, she didn't see anything differently.
I used to believe that a man's Adam's apple was the result of years of swallowing chewing gum and it gets stuck in their throats! If I ever swallowed any gum I would feel my adams apple to see if it had grown!!
My dad told me that Chiclets gum (the kind little kids sell on the streets in Mexico) was made from gum scraped up off the sidewalks. I can't eat Chiclets to this day.
Once when I was about 6 or 7 I was playing with my cousins and sisters and they knocked me which Made me swallow my chewing gum. I freaked out and went and told my mum and dad. Well Thats when My father told me that it would block my butt up so i couldnt do a poo, and it would all build up and i'd explode... I freaked out even more and started crying, my dad just laughed I mean seriously what type of father does that to a child!!
I was told that if you fell asleep with gum in your mouth you'd wake up with gum in your hair. That much makes sense. But I thought it was because the gum would absorb through your head and come out through your scalp into your hair.
when I was seven my brother told me that if I swallowed chewing gum my arm would drop off.
when tongue splashers gum first come out, a rumor went around my school that the gum permanently stained your whole mouth whatever color the gumball was. the whole school was in mass hysteria for about a week until someone discovered the effects were only temporary.
my grandma used to chew gum all the time... grandmas usually would have hard candy but mine had gum 24-7! i thought she chewed gum so much because it helped keep her fake teeth stay in her mouth...
My mom told me that if I swallowed my chewing gum, I'd have gum trees growing out of my ears. I kept sticking my fingers in my ears, hoping to feel the branches emerging.
When my best friend and I were 10 or 11 years old we decided to test the gum swallowing theory. I chewed and swallowed a whole pack of grape gum and marked it on the calender to see if it would come out in seven years. We also planned an elaborate funeral if I died instead. Two days later at her grandmothers house, I pooped out a turd with wads of purple gum stuck to it putting to rest the seven years theory. We were also relieved that I didn't die.
How did we celebrate? MORE GUM!
When I was little a close friend of the family told me never to swallow chewing gum because it would make my stomach stick together. I imagined that it would make me look really skinny with a waist only a few inches wide from the side view. That really scared me. I was embarrassingly old before I realized it wasn't true.
My mum told me that if you ate fruit pips they were stored in your appendix, and that if you ate too many you would get appendicitis. She also told me the one about chewing gum wrapping round your heart if you swallowed it. It's a wonder I ate anything when I was small.
I used to believe that the bubble gum medicine was really made of bubble gum. i believed this until i was 16.
I used to belive that, if you swallowed your chewing gum, you'd fart bubbles...
When I was 8 this mean girl in my school told me that her dog ate a piece of gum and it pooped out all it's organs because it stuck them all together. I believed her because she was a grade or two older than me. Soon after I was chewing gum and it fell out of my mouth and my dog ate before I could get to it. I cried for like an hour. Even after my parent's told me it wasn't true, I followed my dog around for a while waiting for him to go.
as a little kid, i was really good at blowing bubbles as big as my head and blowing a bubble inside a bubble and stuff like that. my older cousin got so fed up with all the popping noises i was making (or maybe it was she couldnt blow a bubble to save her life and she got jealous) she told me that little people thrive inside the bubbles i blow and every time i pop a bubble they can escape. she told me that they all meet in some deserted cave in mexico and that once enough bubbles have popped and there are enough of them, they will slaughter every person in the whole world. i still kept blowing bubbles though, just making sure to slap my hands closed on the air my bubbles popped in to kill all the little "people"...
I was always told that if you swollowed chewing gum your Bum would stick together.
This is something I made someone else belive:
I made my little brother bellieve that grass was gum! It was so funny! I told him it would taste better after a while and that is was 'cool' It was funny until my mom found out, my dad laughed, but they both grounded me.
When I was about 5 years old, I had a bad habit of swallowing gum. One day my grandmother told me if I swallowed too much gum, it would stick my "poopers" together and I would never be able to go to the bathroom again. I was so terrified of accidentaly swallowing another piece that I didn't chew gum again until I was about 12.
I used to believe that all things that tasted minty (Gum, peppermints) worked just as well to clean your teeth as mouthwash did.
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