i used to believe

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top belief!

I used to think you had to eat the crusts on your sandwich because all the vitamins in the bread were in the crust.

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I believed that the crust was the healthy part of the bread because my mom told me that is where all the nutrients were.

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untill i was about 8, i thought that eating crusts would give u curly hair.

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top belief!

When I was little, I didn't like bread crusts until my mom told me eating them would make you whistle. I thought this until I was 12...and I still can't whistle.

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top belief!

When I was little, my grandma told me to always eat the crust on bread because it would help me whistle. No idea why I believed that one!

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I used to believe that bread crust had more vitamins in it than the rest of the loaf. My dad said so, and afterward, i never asked him to cut off my crust anymore.

Rob Hands
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I used to be afraid of eating bread crusts after my dad mentioned it gave you a hairy chest. My parents could never figure out why I got so upset when someone served me a sandwich with the things still attached.

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Toasted bread is healthier than regular untoasted bread.

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top belief!

When I was young, neither I nor any of my siblings liked the end pieces of a loaf of bread. To get me to eat them, my mom told me they were healthier than the rest of the bread. I was in my twenties before I really thought about it and realized I'd been duped.

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My dad used to tell me that I had to eat the crusts on bread. When I asked why he would explain to me that eating the crust would put "hair on your chest".

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I used to believe that bread crusts helped your hair and nails grow. Eventually, in 3rd grade I found out, and even though i knew it wasn't true, i still told it to my friends because I hated it when people wouldn't eat their crusts, and they believed me!

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My mom told my brother that if he ate the crust on bread his hair would turn curly!! Of courase he didnt believe her and ate the crust anyways(he loves the crust). Now he is 14 and his hair is curly 8D

Eater of the crust
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if i ate crust i would get curly hair
they said this to convince me to eat it
little did they know i hated curly hair

straight hair
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When I was about 4 or 5, I used to belive that breadsticks were actually the leftover crusts of pizza that someone already ate. To confirm this belief, when my uncle came over one time, with some breasdsticks, I asked him what happened to the pizza. He told me that my cousins had eaten it earlier, therefore confirming my belief that breadsticks were really the leftover crusts of pizza that someone already ate.
So all I could think of was the fact that I was eating something that someone's mouth has already been near...

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My friend told me that bread crusts made your hair curly, and that's why her dad's hair was so curly. I believed this so I didn't eat crust for the longest time, now it's my favorite part of the bread!

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My mother told my sister and cousin who were about the same age that eating crusts would make your hair curly. My sister never ate them and my cousin always did. My sister had the curly hair and my cousin's was always straight. I guess Mom was wrong, or maybe she had it backwards?!

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When I was in 1nd grade, I was at lunch with my close friend. My sandwich had crusts and her didn't. I asked why her sandwich looked like that. She pointed at my sandwich and mocked barfing. she said," My sandwich is clean. Do you know crusts are brown because they have DIRT on them?"

I started crying and spit out my sandwich. I belived that until I was 3rd grade. I asked my science teacher about it and she wouldn't let me live it down! :P

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When i was 6 my mom told me that if i didnt eat my crusts i would go old and wrinkly like my granfather overnight. i believed it for 2 years but then i didnt eat my crusts by mistake and found out it was a lie

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I thought the end pieces of bread had no crust. I hated crust, so I'd always ask for those pieces.

Later, I learned that those pieces were pretty much just "crust," and I wouldn't eat them anymore. Amazing how the taste of something changes once you know what it really is!

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I used to (and still do) bite my nails. I also used to really hate the crust on bread - the top part that has a kind of bittery gross flavour. One day my sister and her friend were babysitting me and I refused to eat my crust. My sister's friend told me that the crust had some stuff in it that helped hair and nails grow. I believed her, of course. The crust is different from the bread so I figured they put something on it to make it crustier. I believed it until about 10th grade, when I actually stopped and thought about it, and realised it was a silly idea. I felt pretty stupid.

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