Show most recent or highest rated first. Common beliefs in this section include:My dad use to tell me that eating the crust will make you be able to whistle. I whole heartedly beleived this until I was in Jr, High!!!!! I still dont like the crust and I still cant whistle.
when i was 5 through i guess 8 (im 13 now) i thought eating your crust helped you learn to whistle my mom told me that and because my big sister could whistle i desperately wanted to it worked on me but not my youger sister lol and the weird part is when i did eat it i learned how to whistle 2 days later and i loved crust ^_^
top belief!
I was told that everything was made of atoms, which were too small to be seen. Not wanting to eat the crust on my bread, but told I couldn't leave the table until I "cleaned my plate," I tried to break the crust into smaller and smaller crumbs until they became atoms and my mother couldn't see them, anymore. My plan never progressed to a satisfactory state of completion before my mother came to check on me, though.
My parents were fond of telling me that the crust on a slice of bread was the healthiest part of the bread. I was required to always eat the crust because of this "fact." It was not until a jr high chemistry class that I realized that bread crust was composed of the same ingredients as bread and therefore could not possibly be more nutritious.
My grandpa told my brother that if he ate his crusts, he'd be able to run faster. My brother believed him.
I used to believe that the inside of pizza crusts were spiderwebs, so I was really scared that a spider would crawl out and bite me... or that I would eat a spider! Even though I thought they were spiderwebs, I still ate them, which confuses me. I would carefully pick off pieces of the crust while eating.
I used to believe that the crust and the bread were two seperate things.
Wait... I'm 14 and my momm told me the same thing about the crust having all the nutrients in it.
and now you're telling me this isn't true?
somebody please answer me!
When I was a kid, in order to get me to eat the whole sandwich for lunch, my mom told me that all the healthy nutrients in bread were in the crusts of the bread (the part I didn't like to eat). I believed this until I was about 25 and actually thought about it.
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the lunch people at my elementary school would always trick you into eating the end pieces to save bread by putting them on the inside of the sandwich. so it looked like you were getting a regular piece, but if you peeled it apart you could see that it was an endpiece. i thought that the endpieces would kill you. i never liked the lunchladies at our school for that...
I used to believe that my mother, for some reason, wanted to kill me. I don't know why I thought this, but I did. She was always encouraging me to eat bread crusts, tempting me with curly hair, so I developed my own belief-
Crusts are poison!!!
when I was little, my mom told us that the ends of the loaf of bread (you know the ones with all the crust) were good luck so we wouldn't complain about eating them. i believe that till i was about twenty.
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When I was in first grade, I brought peanut butter sandwiches to school everyday, but I never ate the crusts. One day when we were throwing away our trash, another little girl saw the leftover crusts in my baggy and she (who had apparently just taken her first communion), yelled "don't throw that away! That's Jesus's skin!" I was a little hesitant to throw away my savior's skin, but I decided it didn't make much sense and went ahead to the trash.
I used to be told that if i didnt eat bread crusts that i wouldnt grow . So i ate them, but the only prob. I still stayed short~ :P
My parents used to tell me when i was a little kid that when I didn't ate the crusts of my bread (I never liked them) that I could never learn to whistle. So that made me eat my crusts because I really really wanted to learn to whistle.
My brother told me when I was little, that If I ate the crusts off bread, that it would grow hair on my chest. LOL Big brothers....gotta love them.
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My mom told me that bread crusts made my cheeks rosy so I should eat them. I was so worried that one sheek would be pinker than the other that I made sure that I chewed an equal amount of crust on each side of my mouth!
At around age 5 my best friend Christy told me that the crust of bread can cut your tongue. I still never eat the crust of any bread or pizza. I can't get the idea that my tongue is going to be sliced with tiny razor-like wounds out of my head.
When I was younger my cousin who was a little older then me told me that if you eat pizza crusts or bread crust your hair would stop growing
top belief!
My grandmother would always tell me to eat the crust of my sandwiches because "It'll make your hair blonder" or "It'll make your eyes blue-er". It was not until a few years ago, I realized that every time she told me to eat my crust that the reasons changed.
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