dangerous food
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I used to believe the "hair" in artichokes was poison.
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When I was little I heard my grandmother tell someone a story about a child who ate raisins and they swelled up and caused his stomach to burst and he had to have surgery to fix it. I was terrified of eating raisins for years after that until I found out it wasn't true.
I use to believe that when my mom made taco's or something else with ground beef it was really poop. I refused to eat it and thought they were all crazy that they didn't know/
top belief!
I don't remember why, but when I was about 7 I thought that touching raw turnips would burn you. I was helping my mom in the kitchen one day when she asked me to put some sliced turnips in a bowl. She was confused when I proceeded to put on gloves.
I used to think that germs could somehow run faster that the speed of light, contaminating an object in an instant. So, I never ate off the floor, and if I picked something from the floor, I would go wash my hands.
when i was little my mom told me about how diseases spread so whenever I dropped the milk or overflowed the cup i would see the liquid spread. I was always so freakd out whenever it happened i wud run away.
I still believe that when i eat a gingerbread man that he would get mad at me and like hold a grudge against me, it's kinda scary to eat them since there kinda human shaped. haha D;
My grandma told me when I was a littler girl that if I ate cake batter raw, worms would grow in my stomach...of course that was after I had a fingerful. Thanks Grannis
I was asking my mom while helping her load the fireplace why she didn't just grind the wood blocks into sawdust so she didn't have to rearrange and reload the fireplace all the time, just fill it up. She explained that sawdust is combustible and could be dangerous just like how special precautions needed to be taken by people working with flour in plants (factories that manufacture flour). I listened to her whole explanation and responded with... "I never knew that flour grew in plants!" (picturing green house-type plants with cocoons hanging from the leaves filled with flour in large fields)
....So I briefly once believed that flour grew on plants. Sadly, this took place at the age of 21.
When we were little, my sister told me that I was allergic to Entenmann's doughnuts and orange juice--my favorite foods!
I used to believe that kids weren't allowed to have Cheese Nips. I think it was because my mom told me she wouldn't buy them because she didn't like them but as I got a little older I wondered why we couldn't eat them and thought maybe they had alcohol in them.
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When I was younger, my dad used to make baby back ribs as a special dinner treat. For some reason I used to think that military-type secret agents used to break into people's homes and steal the back ribs off of babies. Being about 4 I still considered myself a baby and was always afraid that when my dad was making the ribs 'they' would break in and steal my ribs. I believed this until i was at least 10, however once I hit about 6 I was no longer a baby and therefore no longer in danger. Of course, even thinking baby back ribs were from humans I still ate them.
whin i was little i watched dora the explorer and was convinced that the monkey guy had eatin to many bannanas and turned into a monkey so i used to think that eating bannanas would turn you into a monkey
When I was six I dropped an apple pip on my lap and I was really scared cos I thought a big tree would grow out of my skirt!
Learning about chemical reactions made me worried that my mom would mix the wrong things together when cooking and make some kind of poison. I refused to eat anything she made without a recipe until I was in third or fourth grade, and I was terrified that she would accidentally kill herself with her strange cakes.
When I was very little I had made a dangerous habit of eating the mushrooms that grew out of the front lawn no matter how many people told me I could die. However, one day while munchin one down, a huge BOOM erupted behind the houses on the other side of the street and a HUGE black cloud flew into the sky (we lived in a bad neighborhood near a train track so maybe it crashed or maybe a meth lab exploded, idk). I had somehow connected the mushrooms with the explosion thinking god was pissed or that that's what happened when you ate mushrooms. I ran inside the house and never ate another shroom again. (well, only recently have I started having them on my pizza) :P
When i was younger, in summer i would constantly eat mangoes. it was all i wanted to eat. Once my mum saw me hacking into about 3 mangoes at once and told me that one day i would eventually turn into a mango. Since i was only about 3 or 4, i believed her and was terrified. the next day at preschool my friend was eating a mango and i matter-of-factly told her that she would turn into a mango.
To this day i still hear laughter in my ears.
when i didnt want to eat something (like zuchini, i still dont yuck!) my mom told me that if i dont eat little worms in my stomach will eat me alive! i cryed sometimes until she told me its not tru but i still need to eat it. i felt relived after that!
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When I was little my big brother told me that if I ate raw potatoes my teeth would grow curly.
top belief!
My brother used to believe that egg yolk was poisonsous and thus refused to eat it; he gave it to my dad instead, and he ate it. My bro used to brag in front of his friends saying "my dad can eat egg yolk!"
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