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I thought that little people worked inside can machines and that a wee light came on inside when you pushed the button so they knew what can to give you.
when i was growing up, my dad always told me to watch my glass as I drank, because a bug could be in there and I would accidentally drink the bug. The way my young ears heard it was if I didn't watch my glass, a bug would somehow grow out of the liquid! I thought I knew what it would look like and everything :)
I used to believe that if I shook a bottle of water as fast as I could I would be able to carbonate it like soda.
top belief!
When me and my 2 brothers were young we were told that we couldn't drink 'Coca Cola' because it would make us really ill, we'd be sick and might die because we were allergic to it. One day round at my Aunties she was trying to get us to drink coke. We were convinced she was trying to kill us and we were all screaming and crying. It turned out the our mum wouldn't buy coke because it was the most expensive.
That by drinking a daily dose of buttermilk one would clean the blood thereby avoiding ACNE
I used do believe beer was only produced in Germany and then exported to all other contries.
When I was little, I believed that most alcahol tasted wonderfully sweet. I was dying to try it and I thought it was unfair that grown-ups wouldn't let me drink it.
I used to manage restaurants. One of my hostesses, still in high school, was just back from spring break in Mexico and was singing the praises of Tequila. Being young she was kind of one of the junior animal activists. You know the type…sort of the conscious of convenience. Not the brightest bulb on Broadway either.
For about a day I had her convinced that Agave was Spanish for seal. She believed, if only for a day, that Tequila was made from baby seals.
She cried and I felt kind of bad.
When I was young, I thought that rubbing alcohol was the same thing as regular, drinking alcohol. So when I saw in the liquor store with my dad that a bottle of wine was so expensive I turned to him and said " Dad, why don't you just buy the kind at the drug store?"
I didn't know what stupid meant. When I heard the word stupid, I would picture a soda can. When I wanted soda I would say "Can I have soda in a stupid please?" (Can I have soda in a can is what I meant) Don't ask!!!
top belief!
My dad used to tell me that sugar only worked in drinks if you stirred it clockwise. If you wanted to switch it off you just stirred it the other way
I believed this until about 11 years old
top belief!
I was always told that beer was made from horse pee.
top belief!
You know those plastic lids that are put on your soda when you go to a fast-food restaurant? How they have those little raised buttons that say "Diet", "Orange", "Root Beer", etc.? I used to think that pushing those buttons could change the flavor of my soda.
"I want my Sprite to turn to... orange soda," I'd decide, and push the "Orange" button down.
It never seemed to work (the taste didn't change), and honestly I couldn't explain how it *would* work. But I couldn't figure out what else the buttons might be used for, and so the belief persisted for many years. I still have never seen those buttons used for their intended purpose.
When I was like 6, I attempted to make lemonade by mixing lemon juice with sugar. It tasted bad so I added more sugar. I refused to believe that you needed water.
When I was Little, my dad told me that if someone drank coffe, they'd grow hair in their nose. Well, I went with my parents to a restaurant, and sat next to my Mom. When the waiter brought her a cup of coffee, I watched her drink some, then I cocked my head and started staring up her nose. She asked me what I was looking at, so I told her what Dad said.
When I was little my sister told me that apple juice was actually pee. I asked her if it was true and she said "no, I was just kidding" i continued to drink the apple juice I had and she gave me a look as if she was serious about it being pee. I screamed and ran out of the room crying. She was really cruel. I actually love apple juice now and drink it all the time.
i use to wonder why do people have drink their drinks and eat their food. so i thought what if i tried it the other way. i would try to swallow my food and chew on my drinks which just ended up allowing me to bite my tongue several times
I thought that Dr. Pepper was made out of hot peppers.
When I drank cheerwine as a young child (6 or 7) I thought it was wine in a can that cheered you up. I decided to try the "white" cheer wine that mommy drank. I found it very very good, and drank 2 wine glasses full in less than 10 minutes. Well of course mommy didn't find this out until that night when I was throwing up 2 hours straight.
When I was four or five, my dad used to have friends over and watch hockey games whenever they were on. They always drank beer, and my mom always had a wine cooler.. one night, my mom was drinking a beer and I told her she shouldn't because she would turn into a boy.. and I told my dad never to drink a wine cooler because he would turn into a girl.
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