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Not my belief, but I caused it.
I work at an after school care centre. There is a water cooler in the room, which is available to children, staff and other adults to use whenever they want. It's a standard model with a little container under the taps to catch any water. It needs to be emptied every now and again.
One child was pushing the lever on the tap, just to fill up the container, so I told him that if the container gets too full and overflows, it gets into the electronics of the dispenser. Because we were in an old building, the electrical system wasn't that great, and the water would go from the cooler to the circuits, knocking out the power to the whole building.
The child backed away immediately! I can't believe I made it up on the spot.
A friend managed to convince me that the layer of browngoo that form on top when you let hot chokolate cool caused cancer..
I carefully removed this for many years befor it hit me that it couldn't be true..
I used to believe that the reflection at the bottom of cup of liquid was a crocodile waiting to gobble me up.
i used to believe that the slower you poured milk into coffee or tea, the more milk you would be able to get into the cup
top belief!
Beer--My mom used to tell me growing up that beer was made out of rotten potatoes and I believed it. I was in my twenties when I found out that she was lying to me. I made a comment about it to a coworker and she looked at me like I was crazy and told me the truth. How embarassing!
I used to believe that drinking (anything) while driving was dangerous so when my mom sipped her coffee in the car I would yell at her and get all upset
top belief!
I always thought that whereever you saw bubbles, you saw fish. So I blew bubbles in my drink and found that there were no fish.
I used to believe that rootbeer was made from the roots of a beer plant.
When I was in elmentary school we had the deal where they gave you the talk about drinking, smoking, and all those other bad for you things. When they began talking about "drinking alcohol" I thought they meant the rubbing alcohol. I was disgusted and confused. I thought that stuff burns who would ever want to drink it?
When I was little I used to hear about not drinking and driving, but I thought it meant you couldn't drink anything so one day when my mom was drinking coffee in the car, I wondered why we didn't get arrested.
When I was about six, I would drink pop in a cup. Well, you know how there is fizz? Well, I used to be scared of drinking the fizz. So I would tilt the cup or move it around to it wouldent touch my lips.
When I was little, I used to drink a lot when I ate. So, in an effort by my mom to get me to slow down on the drink and get more food in me, she would tell me that "if I drank too much I would float away". I pictured drinking too much and the house filling up with fluid and me floating away in it, right out the door. It definately slowed down my drinking during meals.
I used to watch TV shows where wifes would complain that her husband was drinking too much beer. I never understood what the fuss was all about - I loved my root beer!
I used to believe that when you made suicide drinks (mixing all of the drinks at take out resturants) and drank them, that you would actually die.
top belief!
When I was younger I used to drink diet coke all the time because that was what my mom drank and I wanted to be like her. I used to think that if I were to pour the coke on the ground then a coke tree would grow and I could pick coke cans off of the tree and drink the coke out of there. I believed this for years!
I always thought there was a drinking age for coffee, because it was an adult drink like beer and wine.
my parents were at a resturant and they orderd a sumtin sockie i thought they were ordering a sock to eat
When you open a fresh can of soda the carbonation rises out in a steam-like gas. I asked my mom what it was and she must have said it was the carbonation, but I went on for the rest of my life thinking the caffine was coming out of it. (this was cleared up last week.)
My mom and dad didn't want me to drink caffine pop so I would try to suck it out (with my mouth) when it rose up so there wouldn't be any left in the can and, therefore, I wouldn't be drinking it.
I just ignored the "caffine" that rose out of the caffine-free popcans, as that defied my theory.
my mom told me that sprite was made out of iguanadon pee so i couldn't drink it
I used to think that Root Beer was beer with less calories
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