i used to believe

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I used to think it was illegal to drink hot chocolate in the summer.

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I used to believe that coffee was tea with milk in it.

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When my sister was little, around 4 years old, I actually convinced her that chocolate milk came from brown cows.

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I didnt realize that the purpose of the buttons on the front of drinking machines for handicapped people were to make the machine more accessible to those in wheelchairs, instead, I thought that button dispensed some special type of water, containing medicine or vitamins so that the handicapped people would get better. I always made sure not to push that button and drink the "handicapped water" because nothing was wrong with me.

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I was told by a friend that cherry cola was made from the bodies of red ants and consequently spent a good hour staring into a bottle of said drink to check if there were any in there. There was no indication of whether black ants contributed to Guiness or if lime cordial was the product of greenfly.

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I used to believe that drinking Nestle's Quick would somehow trigger a response in my body that made me chug it really fast. The first time I drank it, I proclaimed, "Hey! This is just chocolate milk!" and was sorely disappointed.

Heather Mueller
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For probably about a decade, I believed that the chocolate drink "Yoohoo" was made with seaweed. My uncle told me it was one of the ingredients when I was about 5 years old, and I never drank it again after that. It wasn't until I was about 15 when a friend made me read the ingredient label that I realized I had been fooled all those years!

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My best friend and I would take colored chalk and grind it down to poweder. We would them put the powdered chalk into a cup and mix in sugar and water thinking it was Kool Aid. The thing is, we drank it all too!

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I used to believe that coffee was toxic to little kids, and that if you drank it before you were 16, you would die

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During the grade school I was convinced that alcoholic drinks had to be used every time you made a party. So the morning of my birthday I brought at school a little plastic bottle full of Red Martini!! I offered martini to all my classmates...obviously my teacher spoke with my mother: i fellt like a criminal for so many years!
No Martini, no party! I took this slogan ... litterally! ;-)

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I used to believe that you needed a prescription to drink Dr. Pepper.

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I used to believe that if I stuck my finger in a carbonated drink I could stop it from fizzing over the top of the glass and down the side. My uncle with a sense of humor convinced me of that one when I was a kid.

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i once believed that the button on mcdonalds soft drink lids, when pressed, added a chemical to the drink that made it a diet...

log the log
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I believed there was a man inside the coke machine. If you gave him some money he would put a soda into the chute and it would slide down to you.

Every time I bought a soda, I would yell "THANK YOU" into the chute.

Shane B. ~Atlanta GA
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I believed Dr. Pepper was pepper-flavored medicine and was afraid to drink it.

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I was about six years old and sitting in a doctor's waiting room while my mom was getting examined. I was the only kid among the waiting adults and so I went to the free coffee area and made myself a cup of java...believing that all the grown-ups would now think "Gee...he must be much older than we originally thought."

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Beer--My mom used to tell me growing up that beer was made out of rotten potatoes and I believed it. I was in my twenties when I found out that she was lying to me. I made a comment about it to a coworker and she looked at me like I was crazy and told me the truth. How embarassing!

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In the late 70s, there was an AA (Alcoholics Annonymous) commercial that featured a man in various social settings, constantly reaching for a drink. It was accompanied by his voice-over saying "What a great time for a drink". The commerical ended with something to the affect of "Do you have a drinking problem? If so, please get help immediately."

Unfortunately for me, I used to get thirsty very easily as a kid, so I was constantly drinking water, milk, juice, etc. I never knew I had a drinking problem until I saw that commercial, and was so ashamed every time it came on!

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When I was little, my mom smoked. She, not having an ash tray, used a Snapple bottle filled with water. She never drank anything but Coke, so I thought Snapple bottles were made just for this purpose.

Fast forward a few years... My mom's friend drank a Snapple in front of me one day, I blurted out (in public), "Mommy, she's drinking CIGARETTE JUICE!"

Cigarette (and Snapple) hater.
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When me and my 2 brothers were young we were told that we couldn't drink 'Coca Cola' because it would make us really ill, we'd be sick and might die because we were allergic to it. One day round at my Aunties she was trying to get us to drink coke. We were convinced she was trying to kill us and we were all screaming and crying. It turned out the our mum wouldn't buy coke because it was the most expensive.

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