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When I was about 10, and had just become a vegetarian, my older sister told me that they used pig's blood in the cola at McDonalds. I totally believed her and didn't drink cola from McDonalds until I was 12. Only then did my mum tell me that there was a law preventing that kind of thing. I still feel stupid about it now!
When I was little I always thought that when someone quit drinking, they litterally "quit drinking" everything. I could not for the life of me understand why someone would want to do that.
When I first learnt how to make drinks, I asked my aunt why she stirred the drink after adding water. She said the act will make the drink sweeter. For a long time, I thought one can make any drink sweet by stirring. And for the same reason, one cannot stir something that is naturally sweet (like orange juice, coke...) or not meant to be sweet (like soup).
When i was young, i used to believe that moonshine was a drink people left outside in the moonlight in giant barrells. thus moon would shine on the drink, and make it special.
I used to think it was illegal for children to drink coffee
When I was 3 years old my best friend and I would sit in the grass behind his house, overlooking a pasture with grazing cows, and drink from our juice bottles. He told me that the foam resulting from our shaking the bottles was cow dung that somehow magically transported itself into the bottle. I don't know about him but I believed it. Oddly enough, it didn't discourage me from drinking it. On the contrary, we both thought it was really cool!
1977 was a very hot and dry year in Britain and it was then on day in summer that my Dad, who had been outin the garden for a while, convinced us that the lemonade left in the fridge was 'grown up' lemonade. We littleuns just had water.
I used to believe that rootbeer was made from the roots of a beer plant.
i used to believe that the slower you poured milk into coffee or tea, the more milk you would be able to get into the cup
When I was four or five, my dad used to have friends over and watch hockey games whenever they were on. They always drank beer, and my mom always had a wine cooler.. one night, my mom was drinking a beer and I told her she shouldn't because she would turn into a boy.. and I told my dad never to drink a wine cooler because he would turn into a girl.
when i was little my sister told me that if you pushed down the little buttons on the lid of a cup of soda that say "diet", "root beer", etc, then the next day you would turn into a boy (or if you were a boy, you would turn into a girl).
I used to beleive that a straw would float in soda because a little invisible elf would hold it up.
I used to think Dr. Pepper flavor soda was actually what a Doctor named Pepper tasted like when you ground him up and stuck him in a soda can, and I didn't understand why anyone would want to taste that.
I used to believe that drinking lager gave you a moustache. This came about when I saw 2 pics of my dad. In the first he had a pint glass to his mouth and in the second he'd put it down and was smiling drunkenly at the camera. He had a small moustache in the photos, but at the time I saw them he was clean shaven, hence my belief that the drinking of the lager (where I couldn't see the moustache) gave him the moustache in the second photo.
My family moves a lot because my dad's in the military, and it was about 1996 (I was 6 then) when we moved to Manitoba from Nova Scotia.
My parents made coffee with the coffee machine that was supplied in one of our hotel rooms. I heard them discussing it. My dad made a face at the coffee and stated, "I got the grounds". Little did I know that my parents use the term "the grounds" for when the coffee doesn't filter properly and you get coffee grounds in your cup.
Well, I thought The Grounds was a disease, and in my six-year-old mind, diseases were always fatal. I wondered why my mom and dad were so calm about my dad having such a horrible illness. I vowed never to drink coffee because I did not want to end up in the hospital, let alone dead, from a case of The Grounds.
My parents still say "I got the grounds", and I still haven't told them my beleif. I now enjoy coffee, and I'm still alive evough to be typing this. Hahahaha.
A friend managed to convince me that the layer of browngoo that form on top when you let hot chokolate cool caused cancer..
I carefully removed this for many years befor it hit me that it couldn't be true..
i use to wonder why do people have drink their drinks and eat their food. so i thought what if i tried it the other way. i would try to swallow my food and chew on my drinks which just ended up allowing me to bite my tongue several times
When I was little my parents wouldn't let us drink Coke because they said the caffiene would stunt our growth. I have never seen any proof of this. Were they just making it up so they wouldn't have to share pop with us? My sister won't let her kids drink any dark colored pop because she thinks it has caffiene in it. I told her to read the ingredients, because color has nothing to do with it. She won't believe me.
When I was little, I used to think that the soda machines in restaurants were hooked to pipes that came directly from the factory. The first time I encountered one that had run out, I was confused, but then I said, "Oh! The factory must be closed." Naturally, everyone else had no idea what I meant.
My family went to Olive Garden for dinner once, and my little sister, then 5, asked why there were grapevines hanging on the wall. My parents convinced her that if you drink wine at the restaurant, you had to go in the back and stomp barefoot on the grapes to make more wine, so that the next people could have some. And that wine was gross, because people had to use thier stinky feet to make it. My sister, now seven, still believes thats why we shouldn't drink wine.
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