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When I was three I once said to my parents during dinner "You know what's weird? Chicken the animal and chicken the food have the same name." My mom just said "You're right sweetie, that is weird." I don't know when I finally realized the truth, but I've been a vegetarian for ten years now.

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I am the only girl (now a woman) between two brothers. I was once told by my older brother that flies were raisins with wings. Believing him, I would chase flies whenever I saw them, try to catch them, and eat them! Fortunately, I was too young to be coordinated enough to actually catch flies.

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Stupidly, up until tonight, I believed that caramelized onions were actually cooked in caramel, or something sweet and candy-like similar to that. (keep in mind, I am soon to be 21!) I always thought it sounded so gross, and that the different flavors would not mix at all, wondering why on earth anyone would want to eat something like that. It just didn't sound right to me.
Mom said she was going to make herself some caramelized onions, and something else. It was then that I finally decided to ask, and found out that they are actually onions that are fried very slowly, until they are nearly transparent.

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i used to think when you ate, the food just sat in your stomach untill little rats ran in and ate it up. weird i know!

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I used to believe that fried chicken was good for you. My dad told me that so I wouldn't tell mom that he was cheating on his diet.

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With five kids, my family frequented Furr's, a cheap, buffet-style chain restaurant. To keep us from overindulging, they told us that the desserts cost extra, and since there were so many of us, we couldn't have any.

I believed that until the day I went to a Furr's with my husband and asked if it was alright if I got a slice of pie. He looked at me as if I were insane, asking what he'd done to give me the impression that he was the sort to control every little thing that went into my mouth. I explained that I knew we were a little tight on cash and didn't want to seem frivolous.

Needless to say, after a fit of laughter, he told me that the desserts were included... since it was, after all, a buffet. I was convinced that he was trying to make me feel better, to the point of asking the cashier. After that, I was convinced the franchise had changed their policy (after all, I'd never questioned it in all the years since), and I just hadn't realized.

Surely, my parents wouldn't have lied to me! :)

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when i was a kid i thought the word spaghetti was pronounced 'pasghetti' and i would get really mad when people laughed at me for getting it wrong, i completely thought i was saying it right!

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I used to think that honey grahams at the store were graham crackers filled with honey, that would flow out in a delicious liquid form when you bit into them. I would wish so much that my mother would buy that kind of graham cracker instead of the boring old regular grahams.

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When I was really yound, my Dad took me downstairs to make me a PB+J sandwich. I put the peanut butter and the Jelly on the same side of the bread, and he said if I did that, the Peanut Butter and jelly police would come and take me away. He even dialed their "number" (but didn't press "send") I was CONVINCED the police were coming to take me away. I tried not to cry, and dad couldn't understand why I wasn't hungry anymore. It is one of my worst memories, and I can make my dad feel guilty to this day.

Emma Cudney
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When I was little I used to think that you made breakfast sausage by putting weiners in the toaster, the same way you made toast by putting bread in the toaster. That's what I thought toasters were for, turning "everyday food" into "breakfast food".

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This isn't my belief, but that of the kids I babysit: they think that when one raises their glass to do cheers to something, it has to be to the thing they're raising. I was babysitting them recently and in lieu of glasses, they raised their forks and both promptly announced, "To the forks!"

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Wen i woz bowt 4 i woched ghost ship and wen i saw the scene were there eatin beans and they turn into maggots i cudn`t eat beans 4 bowt 3 years

Anonamous fat bitch
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When I was young, I was told by my dentist about "tartar" on my teeth. For years, I believed that "tartar" sauce was made from the tartar dentists scraped off your teeth and I absolutely refused to eat it.

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I used to believe that the chip bags where always only half full because, the people who worked there always tryed to sneek chips and some times they got to them that's why they were always half full.

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when I was a kid, I begged my parents to buy me Kellogg's 'Corn Pops' cereal... I honestly believed that unlike other, boring cereals, they actually popped out of the 'O' just like on the commercial.

I actually cried.

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When I was young, I used ot believe there was a lizard inside each drumstick!

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This doesn't really count as a belief, but reading someone's Roman Coke story, it reminded me of this... You know when you order something at a restaurant and the waitress/waiter asks you if you'd like a soup or salad? Up until I was about 8 or 9 I always thought (s)he was offering a "super salad". I figured it our the day I was asked if I'd like a soup or salad and I simply sad, "yes, please".

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I thought that if you enough Hot Cheetos, you'd get fire powers. I always ate a bag a day until my mom went crazy. I don't eat much now.

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I believed clouds were vanilla ice cream.

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I used to think that grilled cheese sandwiches were "girl cheese" because mom always offered me them, and that if my dad were ever to get one it would be a "boy cheese"

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