i used to believe

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My friend told me that when she was younger, her older sister told her that cucumbers were really frogs legs.

I used to believe(with the help of my dad)that cucumbers came from the sea. I always thought that, until I got older and realized it was stupid, but still didn't know where they came from. I found out this past month that they grow on vines(i'm now 14)I never told anyone

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As a self-respecting boy, I refused to order grilled cheese sandwiches, thinking them to be called "girled cheese sandwiches." Hence I always asked the waitress for a "boyed cheese sandwich."

Imran J. Ahmad
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My Dad always said that carrots would make my eyes green and my hair red! Which they already were!

Also if you put butter on graham crackers they will explode!

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When I was to young to actually grasp the concept of pronounciation, I said "hamburger" as "Ham-booger".
This led me to believe that people working at fast-food restaurants picked their nose constantly to make the products they were selling.

Marshmello Da Strawberry Cow
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I saw my mom putting thin spikes of something into a pot on the oven , and when I asked she explained the process of making spaghetti. I thought about a large circular thing that could hold water, and connected it to ... yes , the toilet. Later , she found me fishing strands of soggy noodles out of the toilet , proudly saying that I had "boiled" them by flushing it and taking out the pieces that remained.

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My father was a hunter and used to hunt deer. When he would come home with some and we would have it for dinner he would always tell me it was Venison (so I wouldn't know what it was). I used to eat it and say, "Yummy Daddy, this tastes just like meat"!

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I used to think that if you ate spinach that eventually, you would be as big as popeye the sailor man.

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i used to believe that dried prunes were giant rasins.

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When I was a kid I loved to eat onion rings, until I realized that they were made with onions.

Beth Pärssinen
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As a nine year old just coming to america from Cuba, I thought that the Mexican food "burrito" was actually meat from a "burro" or donkey! Which was fine by me, because they tasted good!

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This is the funniest memory from middle school, 8th grade, that I have:
My best friend and I were goofing around in our history class as usual. We were studying Napoleon (no, not Dynamite! :-P) Bonaparte and after our teacher read us the chapter about him, he told us to work on our packets as usual. Well, we started working on them together when she says to me "I don't see why they named an ice cream after Napoleon. He sounds mean to me." and I said "Yeah I wonder why too! I could never figure it out!" So when our teacher walked past us, we flagged him downn asking "Why does Napoleon have an ice cream named for him?" He looked at us and said "What are you talking about?" and we say "You know! Napoleon ice cream! The kind with the chocolate, strawberry and vanilla in the same box!" (We seriously thought he was messing with us by pretending not to know.) He put his face into his hands, trying not to laugh and said "NO, that's Neopolitan ice cream! Not Napoleon ice cream!" (He was astounded that we had the same thought about that ice cream!) Naturally we couldn't concentrate for the rest of class because we were laughing too hard over the truth of the ice cream. (It still brings us to tears when we think of it!) :-D

Bubbles :-)
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I used to think that peanut butter came from butter cups because my sister told me that if you put it under your chin and it reflected yellow on your skin you had recently ate peanut butter.

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My little brother used to believe that if something was pictured on a bottle, that something was used to make the food (for instance, rabbits were a key ingredient in the molasses brand that had a rabbit pictured on the front). So when he saw a bottle of Grandma's Molasses for the first time with that cute picture of a little old lady... well, he freaked out a little bit.

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Just until a few weeks ago, i believed that buffulo wings actually came from buffulo. I mean, i knew buffuloes didnt have wings but i just figured that the meet came from the buffulo's "side." I was very disapointed when i found out the truth while watching an epidode of NEWLYWEDS...

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When i was little i used to believe that haggis' were real animals and that they were very small, furry and had one leg longer then the other for when it ran around the hill sides and mountains in Scotland!!!

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Because rasperry flavour drinks are always blue and called "blue raspberry" flavour I used to think there was an actual fruit called a blue raspberry.

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When I was a toddler I was terrified of bananas, and would scream if I saw a whole one. I think this was because I grew up in the 60s, and I though they were bombs. They only way I would entertain eating them was sliced up in milk or a sandwich.

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When I was young, we had rabbit for dinner one night. My parents told me it was chicken. I asked why the chicken had four legs.

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I accidentally swallowed a plum pit when I was five and worried for days waiting for the plum tree to start growing out of my stomach.

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I used to believe there were little people in your stomach stacking the food up: eggs in this pile, bacon in that pile etc.

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