i used to believe

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One thing my older brothers used tell me was that the beans in pork and beans were actually little skins filled with mashed potatoes. That factories had little hooks on assembly lines with the skins hanging and they would be filled with mashed potatoes. I would peel my beans at dinner and it certainly looked like mashed potatoes so it made sense to me.

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When I was a kid the most popular dessert to order in fancy restaurants was Chocolate Mousse. The first time I ate it had pieces of what I now know was chocolate. As I ate it I was convinced they were actual pieces of moose.

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when I was little my granpa would tell us to eat our green beans because they would grow hair on our chest. I would eat them like crazy because I figured that must be something I wanted. Im glad it didnt work because Im a girl!!

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when i was of the age 0-7 i thought broccili were trees....

I ate trees
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I used to believe believe that the bottle Mrs. Butterworth syrup came in was a real person. I wouldn't let my parents buy any other syrup for years and often talked to her as I ate my pancakes.

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I used to believe that elephant ears (the food) where made out of real elephants ears! I was disgusted when my mother offered me one

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My sister and I have been competitive swimmers since age 5 or 6, so to get us to eat our dinners, my mom told us that eating fish would make us swim faster.

Samantha from California
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When I was very small I used to believe that coloured things tasted like they looked. If something was yellow, it was lemon-flavoured, if it was purple, it was grape flavoured, etc. I was always trying out the "flavours" of things and was obviously very disappointed in most of them. Wrapping paper was the biggest disappointment, as it looked so yummy in all those bright colours!

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when I was a kid my sister told me that the tacos in jack in the box were made of ostrich, so i had to decide between my favorite tacos or my favorite bird, i decided they are already dead i might as well eat them, i still love those tacos

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One Memorial day when I was little, my grandma made a dirt cake to eat after we visited our dead loved ones at the grave yard. She scooped us a piece (after removing all the flowers)after asking her what is was she told us it was a cake she made from dirts from our loved ones graves. ~~~uuugghhh~~~ I DIDN'T want to eat dead people dirt!

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I used to believe that cabbage was hot lettuce!!

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I used to believe that if you ate beans, green tendrils with leaves would grow out your ears--actually my brother told me this.

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I am often gleefully reminded by my parents of the time we were eating pancakes with aunt Jemima syrup, and I burst into tears after staring at the syrup bottle for about 10 minutes. I thought she was really going to talk to me, like she did on t.v.!

Beth Costa
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My brother believed that bacon(his favorite food) was from horses.

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i used to think that "beef" and "meat" were two different things because my mother would always say "what a nice piece of beef" when we were out and the cut was something special or different than we ate at home. I figured we ate "meat" at home and it was a different part of the animal than the better quality "beef" we ate elsewhere.

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When we were young, we all wanted to have blue eyes like my dad. We asked him how we could get blue eyes, and he said that we should eat carrots. So we'd eat tons and tons of carrots, but our eyes remained brown.

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I used to believe that you put the grated cheese on your pasta to make it cool off

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to get me to eat all my food, my mom used to tell me that a little grandma was in my stomach baking cookies and she needs all the ingredients on my plate to make the best chocolate cookies ever!!!!

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Here's me at 5 yrs old

Me: What's tha defferences between a hamburger and a chesseburger they're the same thing.

My Mom: Sweetie one's got chesse and the other doesn't.

Me: Oh ok but which ones got chesse??

My Mom: The chesse burger sweeite.


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I used to think the International House of Pancakes really was a house made out of pancakes, and that there was one in every country around the world. That's why it was international.

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