i used to believe

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I was told that spaghetti grew on trees and i anounced it in class one day in grammer school.

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When I was a little girl, I believed that poultry grew naturally in such a way that it was split evenly down its back with one half being all white meat and the other half being all dark meat. For example: I thought each bird had one dark drumstick and one white drumstick. The reason I thought this was that whenever there was a family holiday dinner and someone began to carve up the foul they would point the knife to one side and ask "Would you like white meat?" then point the knife to the other half and say "Or would you like dark meat?" When I grew up I realized they were probably pointing to specific parts like the breast or leg, but, as a kid it just looked like half and half to me.

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When I was a kid, I used to think that the reason I had to put salt and pepper on food at the table was to cool it down. Imagine my suprise when my Dad showed me how wrong I was by "cooling" down a bunch of mashed potatos with pepper one night!

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I used to think that when you poured milk into your cereal, the cereal multiplied.

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As a child growing up, our Christmas tradition was Christmas Pudding with money in it. Every year at Christmas i got all excited to see how much money i would get. I grew up and moved out of home, and one day i thought about the pudding and thought i still want to do that. I rang Mum and asked her Where do you buy it from. I was crushed when she said she put the money in it and that you dont buy it like that. I was 19. Talk about naive.

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I used to think that roast beef was made from alligators, because my parents told me it was alligator meat. Why did they think that would make me want to eat it?

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when i was quite little i asked my incredibly gentile mother what 'kosher' meant. ever the smart alec, she answered, "it manes it has garlic in it". she never knew that i held that as gospel for a good 7 years.

cydniey buffers
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I had recently learned sex education. A few days later that week I saw a sandwich at a local diner. I asked what the sandwich was because it lookes interesting. It was an egg and sprout sandwich. I thought it was an egg and sperm sandwich! i refused to eat there for a week.

gurly gurl
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top belief!

For some reason, I got the belief in my head that armoured trucks (the ones that carry money) actually held biscuits. It never struck me that the securtity guards and snipers were there to protect anything... I thought they just really liked biscuits. I still associate armoured trucks with Ginger-Mango biscuits...

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i use to believe that all chickens were girls and all roosters were boys and so0o every time i ate a chicken i thought i was eatn a gurl chicken and since im a girl i stopped eat chicken.

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when I was 5 - 6 a kid tried to convince me that the black bits in the middle of a banana was ELEPHANT MEAT. He told me with great conviction, yet I wasnt sure.........

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my uncle used to think that "parmesan" cheese was called "Farmer John" cheese.... it took him YEARS to figure out the real word!

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When I was about 6 I thought crumpets grew on trees because my Aunty used to bring a pack with her when she visited us. One day she didn't and I asked why not. She replied "they're out of season" so naturally I thought they grew on trees!

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I used to believe that the eggs my mother used to keep in the fridge would hatch if i kept them warm enough. So i used to put them under my pillow or hid them anywhere around the house to find it squashed under my bed or rotting behind the tv the next day or whenever i checked on it.

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My dad once told me that I was cruel to eat runny eggs, they could of been little chicks he said, I did eat another runny egg until on honeymoon they looked lovely so I ate them again

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I used to believe that pretzals were made of wood.

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As a boy, I always thought that I wasn't allowed to eat Hershey's bars, since they were obviously intended for girls. It's right there in the name, after all: HER-SHE's bars. And the same went for "girled cheese sandwiches".

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When I was six my sister told me Meat Pies were made from mashed up rats...to this day I can't eat a Meat Pie.

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i used to believe that spaghttii was worms that were bleeding

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When I was little one of my favourite snacks was a plate of sliced apple and cheese, and my favourite pudding was blancmange. If she'd made one of these for me and then I changed my mind and didn't want it, my Mum would tell me it was the Queen's favourite food, and that always encouraged me to eat.

Daisy K
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