i used to believe

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First time I saw brown eggs I was worried but dad told me that they were laid by happy chicken. For ages I refused to eat eggs laid by "unhappy" chicken and I believed him up into my teenage years!

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As a boy, I had a toy farm with various plastic animals. I knew where milk came from and when I noticed the nipples on the toy pig I assumed that was how bacon was extracted from pigs - as a sort of liquid that was laid out to dry and solidify.

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Around age 6 or 7, my little brother was absolutely convinced that spaghetti grew on trees, like a willow tree but spaghetti noodles. He was 9 before I convinced him otherwise by reading the ingredients on the box.

Jen, MI, USA
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My dad told me that kiwi fruits were kiwi birds testicles. They are the right shape and kind of furry

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You know how on the coco puffs comercial they would used to jump in the box and go into a chocolatly world? Well I used to make my mom buy the cocoa puffs and i would take the cereal out of the box and stand in the box and nothing would happen. I would get so mad and then my mom would yell at me for ruining the box

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My partner's Mum thought that pigs layed sausages just like chickens lay eggs.

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I used to believe that chicken fingers were made out of the chickens fingers (gross). So everytime i sat down to eat them i told my siblings and we wouldn't eat them

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I used to believe that there were two kinds of olives: those with a stone (black) and those with red stuff inside (green), and that they grow like that on trees.

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I used to believe that when a farmer got eggs form one of his prize chickens he'd mark the egg with a black cross. Of course it was my mum doing it. Fast forward twenty years and i'm in the supermarket and girlfriend picks up some eggs "oh hold on" i say "let me check them to see if there are any special eggs". Much hilarity ensued and still does - at my expense.

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When I was about 8 or 9 I went round to my friend's house for tea and we were having soup. I asked what it was and they told me Oxtail soup, I recoiled in horror and proclaimed that there was no way I'm going to eat foxes tail! And I hate to admit it but since that day it hasn't passed my lips.

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Up until about the age of 9, I believed that rice was the product of hail storms. This was encouraged/initiated by my mother who, when it was hailing, would stand outside with a cup, catch some hailstones and then come inside and make a rice pudding, pretending to put the caught hailstones in it.

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My mother and older sister once fooled me into believing something that mind scared me. They used to eat Haagen-Daz every night after supper. I asked to have one to which they replied, "You can't, they are only for girls. If a boy eats one, his penis will fall off and he'll grow breasts and become a woman!" I still haven't eaten one; Though, I know it was baloney.

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As a child I used to believe that the cone from a 99' ice-cream wasn't edible, but was just a container for the ice-cream. How I cried one day about all those discarded cones when I saw another child actually eating one.

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that the large, cylindrical chunks of meat in kebab shop windows was made from an elephant's leg (I guessed after the outer part had been removed to make one of those creepy elephant leg umbrella holders).

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i thought for a long time that 'brownie points' were things you collected up, and when you had enough, you got a brownie. when i told my mum this some years later, she went out and bought me a brownie to make up for all those years i'd been waiting!

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I convinced my sister for years that the tamarinds (fruit) in worcestershire sauce were actually tamarins (monkeys), which, as she was a precocious vegetarian, prevented her from eating it.

tim stevens
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When I was young, I thought that when you fried an egg, the noise the egg made in the frying pan was the squealing of the baby chicken trying to save itself.

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when I was little my brother told me that corn was made out of whale flubber and of course I believed him because I looked up to him and i named my stuffed animale whale corn.

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My elder sister has a bad habit of refusing to swallow her food when she was a toddler. my mom was frustrated for having to chase my sister around the house for a full hour to get her to eat so she told my sister that "if you don't swallow, the food is going to turn into worms" oh boy, she sure ate real fast after that.

Lin Lyonene
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In 3rd grade I heard a saying about if you eat an apple every day you will not get ill and check in to the doctors ever again. I hated apples and my brother loves them, but he is ALWAYS ill and seeing doctors. I pretty much figured out the saying is not true when my brother banged his head against a wall by accident and had to stay in hospital.

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