i used to believe

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When my sister was younger my dad told her that if she ate bananas or anything else that was yellow she'd become a monkey (he frequently called her "my little monkburger"). She's 21 now and she still hates that colour.

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i used to think that the eggs known as Sunny Side Up were called 'Dip Egg', because my mom always would slice up pieces of toast to dip in the egg. I remember going to Bob Evans one day with my family when I was about 8, and i tried to order dip egg. the waitress looked at me funny, and i couldnt figure out why.

i love dip-egg!
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When I was younger I would eat sandwiches for lunch nearly every day. I would watch my dad cut them and I always wondered where the middle went. I thought that there should have been a little sliver in the middle where the cut was made.

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Ever wondered where Fish Fingers (fish sticks) come from? Well, they catch the fish, chop their fingers off, and throw them back into the water. When my kids told me they have never seen a fish with fingers, I told them "of course not. They've all been caught". It's the same for chicken's too you know, and you really don't want to know where the nuggets come from!

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In 1954 when I was 4 years old we got our first TV. An advertisement for KIX breakfast cereal showed a boy and girl my own age eating the cereal and then flying off the floor and around the room while the noise of a jet plane was heard and the announcer said: "Eat KIX and be jet propelled". Soon afterward, the first time I ever ate KIX cereal was absolutely beyond a doubt the most horribly disappointed I have EVER been in my life, and that was 50 years ago!

Still earthbound
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I believed that Victoria Sponge cakes were names after someone called Victoria Sponge. I wondered what she had done to have a cake named after her.

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When i was 2 up until i was 5, i always thought that the little extras on food packages (like the strawberries on the cheerios box)were supposed 2 be included and i was always disappointed whenever i oppened a box and there was nothing there. finally my mom explained 2 me that the food wasnt defective, it was just decoration.

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When I first heard the story Goldie Locks & the Three Bears I thought they ate polish out of tins. We never ate porridge in our house and I heard it as polish which we had in small tins ie Cherry Blossom

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I used to believe that all types of meat were chicken, so when I was hungry I would ask my mom, "What kind of chicken are we having tonight?"

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when I was little my dad and brother told me that every time I ate bread I was eating a little, dead doughboy, and I believed this for years

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When i was little my mum told me that broccli were magic trees and little fairies gave up there home so we could eat wholesome food, and if we didnt eat it the fairies died! how cruel was that!and the more we ate the stronger the fairies became.,,,,,,,,?

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I used to think if i didnt eat a slice of american cheese before i went to bed, i would die. i think i came up with this when i would try to stay up as late as possible by stalling and saying that i'm hungry. my brother is lactose intolerant, and to my understanding as a young child, i thought that if he ate anything involving dairy, he would eventually die. i guess i thought that since im NOT lactose intolerant, then its just the opposite for me as it is for him, so in order to live, i had to have american cheese every night. no questions asked.

Kerry T
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My mom used to say 'Let me see your eyes' to see if we were too full to eat our vegetables. She said she could tell how many more bites we had room for just by looking at our eyes, and all three of us believed her!

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When I was a child a friens dad told me that vinigar was made from buffalo urine!!! needless to say I have since discovered it's not..phew!!!

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Because of the way honey was always drawn in books and cartoons, I used to think it looked and tasted like that cheese stuff you dip nacho chips in. When I finally got some, I was horrified to find that it was see-through!--and even more so when I tasted it...

Pooh Bear is a fraud!
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when i was about 7, at girl-scout camp, i burn a marshmallow while sitting around a campfire and my troop leader told me that people in canada pay more for burnt food.

of course i believed her. mrs.barton was never wrong...

anastacia beeverhousen
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When I was a little girl, I had a chocolate Easter bunny with a pink cotton tail. When I had eaten the bunny, I was sad that there was no more of it. But my older brother told me "Dont' worry, if you keep the cotton tail, the bunny will grow back."

I kept that tail for years. Uh...

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My mom told my sister that if she didn't eat her peas, her period would last for an entire month.

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when i was a kid i belived that butter came from butterflys(like honey comes from bees)lol!!!

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i used 2 belive pasta was wigly worms &
wouldn't eat it

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