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My nana used to tell me that if i didn't eat all my dinner i would get oliliwogoly-itis where all my toes would turn to marbles, drop off and roll away.

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...that ham came from hamsters.

Tom Raywood
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After I told me dad I hated pizza and I'd never eat it again he said that the magic people in the back room put an invisible toy inside the bubbles of the pizza.I was so ecxited the next day when it was dinner time that I ripped apart the pizza and started dancing with

God I was some messed up kid

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As a child, after seeing an anti-drug commercial in which an egg was scrambled, the person said "This is your brain on drugs." One morning, my Aunt asked what I wanted for breakfast, I replied, "brains on drugs."

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When I was through the ages of 3-5 I ate A LOT of Cocoa puffs. My mom once said if I eat too many I will wake up as a giant cocoa puff

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You know how mcdonalds calls theirchicken nugets "mcnuggets"? Well, when i was little i always asked for chicken mcnuggets when i wanted chicken nuggets, because i thought that was their real name!!! Instead of chicken nuggets.

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I used to think that french fries were made out of bread (not potatoes)... the sad thing is, I didn't figure it out until last year, at age 16.

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When I was little I noticed there were vegetables shown in my library books that we never ate at home: asparagus, rhubarb, spinach. I assumed that because we were Jewish, and we didn't eat these things, they must be Christian vegetables. Later on, when I brought this up to my parents, they had a good laugh and told me those were just the vegetables they didn't like.

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I remembered a cartoon from when I was little that had a monter-lima bean. So whenever my mom made mixed veggies containing lima beans, i would smash them- thinking I was doing the world a great favor, being their hero for killing the monster lima-beans. Once I got the courage to taste one I figured they tasted so horrible because they were alive!!

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Once my dad had made hot dogs and hamburgers for my siblings and myself for lunch. I didn't like hamburgers then and wanted a hot dog. But hot dogs always smell and look better than they taste, so when I got it I ended up not eating it. So to try and tempt me, my dad took a slice of American cheese and stuck it on there. After that, I picked off all of the cheese. My sister said it looked dead and my dad said I killed it and wanted to have a funeral. So my sister made up a coffin for my hot dog out of paper. We all collected in the back yard and buried the hot dog under a tree. Several years later I was convinced that if I dug it up, it would still be there.

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we told my little brother that cherios made your feet stink and to this day he won't eat cherio's

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When my brother was about 3 or 4, he would get angry and cry every time my mom asked him if he wanted grilled cheese to eat. We never understood why until one day during one of his crying fits he screamed "I DONT WANT GIRL CHEESE, I WANT BOY CHEESE"
Apparently we offended his budding masculinity by offering him the 'girl' cheese. In my house it was thereafter referred 2 as 'boy cheese for the boy, and girl cheese for the girls'.

Amused Older Sister
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I used to believe that if you ate too much cheese you would turn into a mouse. My cousins only told me that to make me stop eating cheese because I definetly ate too much cheese.

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I used to think the reason people cried when they cut onions was because the onions were alive and who ever was cutting them was killing them.

I also thought the reason we praid before a meal (with onions in it) was TO pay our respect to the onions!

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I am 50 years old. Just this past weekend I discovered that Navy beans are white. I always thought they were blue.

Charlie Chewbacca
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My Mum used to tell me to "eat all my dinner - just think of the starving children in Africa, they'd be very grateful to have your dinner." So I got quite confused when I was told off for not finishing what was on my plate because I thought that what I left would go to the starving children in Africa.

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Where I come from you can buy bags of ice cubes from the supermarket. they were called polarbear ice cubes, for years i believed they were little blocks of frozen polar bear.

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when i was in 2nd grade someone told me that if you ate those hard pretzels with cheese inside you would turn into a dog and i believed it so i neevr ate them. Then someone else told me that Pistacios made you pregnant. lol i believed that too.

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When my mum used to make jelly from cubes (you know where u broke the cubes and added hot water so it went all liquidy before putting it into a bowl to set) i used to like drink the liquid jelly. She old me that the jelly would set in my stomach and that it would stay that way and i would wobble when i walked. For ages afterwards i walked very slowly and deliberately so no one would notice my 'wobble'

lex from england
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when my son was younger he would never eat pizza at pizza hut because of those old commercials withe the face on the pizza!he said it hurts the pizzas feelings...and it will kill them.

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