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i used to believe that sushi was wraped in fish skin

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When I was in first grade, as an excuse to get away from vegetables,I became a meatatarian. Yes, I ate no vegetables. I proclimed that killing vegetables was wrong and cruel, and that they have feelings too. So my parents started fibbing to me. They started saying that deserts all have vegetables in them. After a little while, I gave up on it.

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I hate cocoanuts but my sister told me if I ate them and made a wish, it would come true. I ate so many, and my wishes never came true...

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my sister used to eat only the chicken wings, cause she believed she could fly like a bird then. but for me it was absolutely clear that this would not work cause i knew that everything you eat will leave your body later on the toilet...
today i don't know who of us was more stupid.....

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When i was a kid, i used to think that only black people ate fried chicken. I thought this because my relatives would always want fried chicken when we had family get togethers. Then when i saw a crisco commerical with white people eating fried chicken i was so shocked.
1. shocked because they were enjoying and eating the fried chicken, and 2. because the fried chicken on tv never looked like the kind my mom makes, leading me to belive that white people had some kind of secret recipe to make the chicken super golden and crispy.

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I used to think that a head of lettuce was called a head of salad because my mom used to ask me to make the salad for dinner and I thought lettuce was called salad because no one used the word lettuce. I thought this until I was about 11.

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I use to think that asparagus was made of buggers.

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There is this syrup called Aunt Jamima and I use to think that she was really my aunt. I used to think wow there's my aunt and she had to sit still for all those pitures.

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I told my little sister when she was about 4 that broccoli was really shrunken trees, and she believed me absolutely for years.

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you won't believe this but i used to believe that if you ate digestives they would glogg up your digestive system because yhey had the word digest in it

:D pretty dumb huh?

94 year old lady i have experience in beleiving things
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top belief!

One day when I was about 6 or 7, I was at the grocerey store with my mom. After we had paid for the food, I read the receipt (I loved reading them, don't ask why). The food names are abreviated to save space, so instead of seeing "Swanson Chicken Pie" on the receipt, I saw "Swan Chick Pie". Naturally, being the animal lover that I am, I didn't want to eat a pie made out of baby swans! So I declared to my mom, "I'm never eating little swans, and you can't make me!" After she finally figured out what I was talking about, she burst out laughing. I'll never live that one down.

Carrie B.
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I used to believe that butter cooled hot foods. Every time I couldn't eat something because it was too hot I would put butter on it and wait for it to cool. By time I ate whatever I was eating it was cool so therefore I kept believing that butter cooled hot foods.

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When I was about 5 or 6, I used to believe that when I would put food in the microwave that a little man lived in there and that he would heat my food up. Then one day I was popping popcorn at my friends house, I asked her about the little man that lived in HER microwave. She gave me a weird look and that was when I figured out that MicroWAVES heat the food and not little men.

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i used to hard-boil eggs, and keep them as my children. if one of them cracked or started to smell, i would have a funeral for it in the back yard. each egg had a name and birthday. i also had to feed them and change them. apparently, they woke me up in the nite because they were crying too.....
i was such a weird kid

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I used to believe that my mother would sometimes cook and serve 'lamb snakes', being mean snakes that ate lambs, that were so mean they deserved to be cooked and eaten. I was about 8 years old when I realized they were 'lamb steaks'.

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i always say what's for dinner to my mom. then she would always say food or stuff. but one night she said sustinance, then i thought that was something new or a new food. but it was another thing meaning for food or stuff, but since i didn't know i ate my whole dinner. my mom then said i ate veal. i almost threw up that i ate baby cow, i didnt though.

Rory C.
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I used to think that whenver you got mad, you would turn so red and get so hot, that if you cracked an egg on your head it would fry.

I saw this on tv when it happened to Donald Duck.

Shirley B.
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I used to believe that cheesecake was made out of stilton.........I thought it for a very long time until some kind people told me it wasn't! I've never eaten it and don't think I ever will now!

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When I was young, I heard someone from Colmans (the UK mustard maker) say on the radio that they made their money from the mustard people left on the side of the plate. For years, I thought that there was a complete network of people collecting up the leftover mustard and sending it back!

Paul in Camberley
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Growing up in a Chinese household, I never ate (or encountered) much cheese in my childhood.
When I got to college, I saw vats and vats of this white, creamy, curdled substance. I overheard others talking about it, and I concluded it was called "College Cheese." It wasn't until my SENIOR year in college that I realized it was "Cottage Cheese" (which still doesn't make sense to me).

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