i used to believe

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I guess I'm Jessica Simpson's long-lost cousin because up until about a year ago (I'm 15 right now), I thought buffalo wings were made from buffalo. We were having lunch at a Chili's restaurant and looking at the menu. I asked my mom why they served buffalo if it was an endangered species. My mother gave me a weird look and then I pointed out the buffalo wings on the menu.

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I used to think that when commercials said "Made from scratch" that the food was made from leftover scraps on other people's plates.

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i thought hot dogs were made from real dogs and sum tasted good sum didnt.

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I was told that Cheetos is what alot of people did when they gambled. Then I found out that it was Cheater.

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I used to believe that when you eat food from a different culture than your own, your race will change to the race of people where the food came from. So, for example, if I ate Chinese food, I will physically become Chinese.

MD Caruso
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In the early 70's, I think it was Ragu that ran TV commercials where workers were picking cooked spaghetti noodles off of trees, on the spaghetti farm. My dad told me this was really where spaghetti came from -- it was harvested from trees. I believed this for quite some time.

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i used to believe that if you didn't eat your greens you would turn into a prune! i was 8 when i found out you didn't!

chicken cheese
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when i was 3 i believed that cheese had an inner sole and it could attack me while i was asleep so i hid it at the back of the fridge, i relised it didn't when i was 7

hello people
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I used to believe that soy beans would make you skinny and give you long hair , at the time it was being grown in the fields around our house and i'd eat a big handful of raw soy beans everyday in the summer . I think the believe came from my dad saying only hippies ate soy

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When I was about 3 or 4 , my papa told me that if you planted a plain Cheere-o in the ground, that you would be able to grow a Doughnut Tree. I beleived him until I was about 7, when I tried it and it didn't work.

Sean Patrick
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when i was a little girl i always loved to steal raw dough from my mother, when she was baking cakes or cookies. one day, i think i was 5 or 6 years old then, me and my father went for a walk. on the streets we saw a very fat man and my father told me that the man was so fat because he must have eaten raw yeast dough, which then has risen inside of him. from that moment on, i was really scared of yeast dough and i never ate a bit of this dangerous stuff. until today i like to nibble at raw dough - but yeast dough? no thanks!

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Eating food from a different ethnicity will alter your genes so that your race will change to that ethnicity within 24 hours.

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I used to believe that 3 witches lived in my stomache and I ate to feed them.

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When I was little, I told my younger brother (four years younger than me) than pork comes from a pig, and ham comes from a hamster. He believed me, and even got into an argument with his friend, who was convinced that they both came from a pig. If this was so, he argued, why did they have different names?

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when,i was little my mum would give us tapioca and tell us it was frogspawn,inever would eat it!

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I used to believe pinto beans were things that came from inside someone's ear so they could hear. One day in school I started talking to one, thinking someone could actually hear me.

Whats it to ya??
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I used to think that every time my mom made a cake (even if it was just for us to have for dessert), it was someone's birthday. So every time my mom made a cake, I'd dub it someone's birthday, usually one of the cats or one of my stuffed animals.

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i used to beleive that bread was made out of patato...dont ask why...

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I always thought that when brocolli is broken down to the smallest it can be that the brocolli indeed looked like little sperm... it was my parents secret plot in order to feed it to me and get me pregnant...

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When I was 2 i had a dream that i was turned into a donut and was being chased by a cop with a cup of coffee. For years after I had that dream I was afraid to eat donuts because I thought I'd turn into one and be chased down the street by a cop.

Gothic Barbie
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