i used to believe

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I came to my own conclusion that pepper was various kinds of ground up stuff, including radishes to make it spicyhot. (Because, what other vegetable is spicy like that?)

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when I was little I use to think that the noodles in spagetti were worms and the meatballs were eye-ball's eeeww!!
my Brother and Sister told me that and when I told my mom that they told me that she told me the truth!!!

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when i was younger, i went through a stage where i would only eat food that came out of our vegetable garden. in an attempt for me to eat meat, my parents would wrap meat pies in foil and bury them in the garden. i was none the wiser.

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My mom used to tell me that chicken corn soup was made out of iguanadons (a made up dinosaur) to make me eat it

i luv kermit
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i used to think that mcdonalds served ballons..(the sign said billions and billions served)

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I used to think that chicken tenders were sea food, because my dad used to work at a seafood resturant and they sold chicken!

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my brother onced complained to my mom while eating spaghetti:
"Mommy, the spaghetti left my fork without saying goodbye!"


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Until the age of 19, I believed that when you ate meat, that it wasn't the muscle of an animal. Take for instance, a breast of chicken. I was under the impression that there was a special material, called "meat" that was left after they took the breast muscle out of the chicken. Same goes for ribs, loins, etc. A Ham was not the heinie of a pig, but yet the "meat" that was left over after removing the heinie and scraping off the muscle/tissue, etc. My girlfriend at the time, a daughter of a farmer (just my luck) was absolutely dumbfounded by my theory. She corrected my error of 19 years..then said, "Don't ever...ever say that in front of my family....ever."

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I once told my brother that tapioca pudding was has fish eyeballs in it an when I told him it was a joke but he still wouldn't eat it.

Brittany 13 ,Ma
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i used to think that stepping on a banana peel could make you do a backflip. i absolutely HATED bananas, but i would open one, eat one bite, and hide the rest somewhere around the house. then, i would put the banana peel down on the floor (carpet, take a running start, and jump on the peel. it never worked, and i always ended up grinding slimy banana peel into the carpet. i never gave up, though.

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One day in church the priest read us the passage in the Bible where Jesus curses a fig tree. I got it into my head that all figs were cursed, and when one was packed in my best friend's lunch box, I ran screaming towards her, snatched it out of her hand, and threw it into our school pond. When I told my friend that all the figs were cursed, she replied that I must have cursed all the goldfish in the pond, and I felt very guilty!

Mary Alice
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I used to believe that a serial killer went around killing the cereal so i hid cereal in my bedroom so the "cereal" killer woun't kill my cereal.

lola bunny
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i used to think that you were hallow inside, and when you eat the food went all the way down your toes and when you felt full, it meant the food was filled up to your neck.

not hollow
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My friend revealed to me that when she was little, she once asked her dad what those advertising columns are for, and he told her they are used to store sauerkraut inside them. She believed that until she was about 15 or 16.

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I used to think i was a serial killer because i ate cereal!

Mikita Jones
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i used to believe that at mcdonald's when my mom ordered "two large fries" i thought she was talking about getting two really big fries in the container.

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i used to think that colonel sander's (the kfc guy's) bow tie was his arms and legs, so he looked to me like a big head with little stick-man arms and legs

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My auntie was told by her husband that glacia cherries were made of seaweed, she wouldnt eat them for years.

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I was about 11 and my family went to have dinner with my parents' friends. The other family had a boy about 5. We were served 'Au Gratin' Potatoes. Sounded good to me, but the little boy did not want to eat them. His Mama said, "They are good! Try them." The Little Boy then said, "Mama,please don't make me eat, OLD ROTTEN POTATOES!!!!"

I didn't want him to eat them either.

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all my teachers and my parents and people on T.V would say - an apple a day keeps the dentist away. So when the time came that i had to brush my teeth(which i hated) i would an apple instead

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