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When I was really young I thought the food you ate just dropped down into your body and would slowly pile up starting at your feet. This theory was confirmed I thought when I was at the hospital once and had a chest x-ray done. The doctor was showing the image to my dad and I and my dad was pointing out my lungs to me. The bottom of the x-ray was really dark so I pointed to it and said "and that's the food I ate?" My dad goes "ya", probably cause he didn't know what I was talking about. I struggled with the problem of what happens when you fill up your whole body for awhile until I learned about digestive systems in school.

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When I was young I thought that it was a "great privaledge" to go to the grocery store with my mom and sit in the cart. To entertain me my mom would pass me the items to throw into the cart. Then my younger sister came along, and she would ride inthe body of the cart and I would ride in the seat. Now old habits don't die, so when my mom passed me a grapefruit it hit my sister right in the face. I have always wondered if she would have been normal if that had never happened...

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I used to believe that the phrase "add sugar to taste" on products meant that if you did not add sugar it would not taste

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When I was 6 I didnt know what the word raw meant. My friend told me that raw bananas would kill you if you ate them. Later I saw my mom eating a banana. I asked her if it was raw and she said it was. I got really scared that my mom was going to die until she explained what raw meant.

Mister E
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I used to always associate the world "double" with cheeseburgers because of double cheeseburgers from McDonald's.

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I was upset that Mrs. Butterworths did not actually speak. The first time I had Mrs Butterworths syrup my older sister told me that she wasn't speaking because she was dead. She couldn't breathe in the shopping bag from the grocery store and she suffocated on the way home. I cried for a long time at that one.

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I used to call Chinese Spareribs Chinese chicken. (Spareribs to me at the time tasted a lot like chicken) So I thought that chickens in China had really weird "rib-shaped" legs.

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We had a charity box at home above our television, we were constantly told in school how we had to send to give generously to all the starving children in the world. Why then was my mum so annoyed to find an array of food squashed in to the box from various meals in the week before?

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When I was little, I was (and still am) a picky eater. To get me to eat soup he would say. "Lindsay, mom wants to you to take rhis medicine." He would say it was medicine because I took medicine when I was sick if it tasted good or not. So, I would end up eating soup.

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When I was a kid, my family only bought the cheapest "butter" spread- Little more than colored grease i suppose.... and I beleived that "butter" was something you put on your food to make it cool down faster. It certainly didnt add any flavor! After I had real butter, I loved very hot food, so I could drench it in butter to cool it down faster.

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I used to think that cantelupes were called "jump ropes" and my mom never understood me when I said "I want to eat a jump rope."

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When I was about 4 or 5 years old I used to think pretzels were made out of wood from trees...When my father did firewood I would pick up pieces and chew on them and complain how they needed salt.

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I used to think that raisins were dead flies. I only recently started to eat them again.

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when i was little, me and my sister used to think that pepperami's were flying food. Whenever we ate one, we would stand on the sofa and 'fly'...i swear one time i actually did stay in the air and nobody is going to convince me otherwise!

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I used to believe that only brown eggs came from chickens. I thought white eggs were made at the store

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When I was about five, I found out that beef was actually dead cow flesh, which prevented me from eating steaks. It didn't stop me from eating hamburgers, though, because I believed they grew on bushes...

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i used to believe that Latkes were actually buttermilk pancakes.

I was a rather finicky child and refused to eat latkes [potatoe pancakes]

My parents tricked me into eating them by telling my that indeed the Latkes were buttermilk pancakes, and that the buttermilk gave the cakes the odd texture and flavor. It wasn't until I was in my 20s that I discovered that Buttermilk pancakes and Latkes are TWO completely different food items.

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My daughter came home after having her lunch at her friends house for the first time.She declared that her friends family must be very poor because when her mother was making them both Burger and Fries she didn't have real fries but had to cook an other type made from peeling and chopping up a potato .
I thought this was really funny.

Stu Gough (UK)
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When I was 10 I asked my mom if we could bake an icecream cake. She just sat there and laughed at me while I tried telling her you had to bake the icecream

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When I was four, one morning I got up and declared to my family that I was going to be a bird that day. I kept it up all morning, chirping and such. I think I avoided talking even. I hopped down the hill with Mom to pick up my older sister from school at lunchtime. Then came the BIG DEAL. My mother tried to feed me worms for lunch, which was actually spaghetti. I freaked out, threw the spaghetti on the floor and wailed for a long time. I couldn't eat spaghetti again until about grade three.

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