i used to believe

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The Mrs. Butterworth syrup bottle used to freak me out when I was little! I thought she could talk, so everytime we went past her in the grocery store, I'd back as far away as possible!

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i used to think the red wax that covered baby bel cheese was gum

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For years I was confused about the slogan, "Leggo my Eggo". I thought it might have something to do with Lego blocks, but I could not understand any connection they would have with waffles, or why there were no Lego blocks included with the waffles. It was only when I was about 12 that I suddenly realized that "Leggo" was an abbreviated version of "Let go".

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Spaghettis grow on trees.

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when i was little i thought that grilled cheese sandwiches were called 'girl cheese sndwiches', so i would always scream "No, i want boy cheese sandwiches!" when my dad asked me if i wanted some grilled cheese sandwiches.

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i used to think that i could cook food on the furnice register...and there were hotdogs all over my room, and some of them were like moldy...and my brother told me that the boogyman would stop stealing my toys if i smeared peanut butter all over my toys, so i did, and i got in trouble, but i was only 3 so you can't blame me... ;)

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When i was younger, my dad once told me too peel celery so i could get down to the center. I was peeling fro about a half-hour before i realized he was joking.

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When I was little my father always told me if I was to eat anything green it would turn my cheeks green... I recently found out the reason he told me this ... SO I wouldn't eat it and mom wouldn't cook it just for herself (selfish man) Just b/c he didn't like it. lol ... I never aquired a taste for "green" foods and rarely eat them now.

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my parents always told me carrots were good for your eyes. somehow i misinterpreted that to mean that if you didnt eat carrots, you'd go blind. i always believed my eyesite got dim before dinner, then afterwards was repelenished. i also worried that if i didn't eat an even amount of carrots, one eye would be better than the other, so i always ate an even amount and chewed them on different sides of my mouth so each eye was the same.

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I used to believe that eating stuff like smart food or simply samrt(milk) would make you smarter b/c it had smart in its name.

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i used to believe that eggs used to come from humans.

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I can remember telling my dad that when i was "grown up" i could eat nuts, to me "grown up" was about 6years old, as i'd need my teeth to be strong and in my head, that was when that happened!
I tried one walnut and I hated it. :) i guess being grown up doesn't mean you automatically like nuts.

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My parents used to tell me that I would get muscles like popeye when I ate spinach. I remember them pointing at my arms when I ate spinach saying "ohh there's one now" I kept searching for them until I was 12 before my friends pointed out how stupid that was. Why'd they do that I never said I didn't like spinach!!

Gullible in CO
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I used to believe that peaches and nectarines were the same thing.

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When I was little I saw a show on TV about cheese and how they made it. It looked like they were just mixing water around and after awhile, it would turn to cheese. So everytime I was in the bathtub I thought I could make cheese by standing up and running around the full bathub. Everytime I did it I swore that the water was getting thicker.

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when i was a little one, i used to beleive that if i refused to eat 'poochandi' (man who kidnaps children)will take me with him.

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I used to believe that fishsticks weren't made out of fish, they were only shaped like them.....I haven't eaten one since.

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My mother told me there was a great pumpkin(like in Charlie Brown) and I got upset because there wasn't a pumpkin patch near my house. Little did I know it was a joke that would haunt me all my life.

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When i was about 5 my dad told me that if I didn't eat the jelly in pork pies that big dogs would smell it and come and eat me instead.

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My mom used to always make grilled cheese sandwiches for me to eat for lunch. I used to think they were called Girl Cheese sandwiches, and one time when my dad wanted one, I told him no, and said that Girl Cheese sandwiches are for girls ONLY!

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