i used to believe

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I was told as a child to eat the dark parts of a banana, because it was really brown sugar.

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I use to think that when snow white made the gooseberry pie she replaced the gooseberry with flour so i told she baking uncooked powder or dough...(get it)

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When i was about 7 or 8 years old, I thought that the "Lucky Numbers" at the bottom of a fortune from a fortune cookie were the winning lottery numbers. So I set up a lemonade-type stand that read, "Winning Lottery Numbers, $100" which i thought was a bargain, since you can win millions from the lottery, until my mom came out and forced me to close it because she could get arrested! LOL!

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My parents used to own a Restaurant. I belived the lobsters in the tank were pets.

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When I was little I thought that pancakes were made out of penguins.

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One christmas when I was 7, I tasted a peanut for the first time. They were very salty and I liked the taste. Within half an hour, I have munched my way through 2 bowls of peanuts and when my uncle saw me eating them about 3 hours after he had offered me my first one, he told me I'd turn into a peanut if I ate too many. I didn't touch peanuts for another 3 years when common sense finally kicked in...

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When i was little i asked what meat a sasuage was from and she said pig so i figured that sasuages were the pig's cocks chopped off and i didnt eat any until i asked my mum clearly and understood

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I was told you had to be 16 to buy food in mcdonalds. Always remember going in there with friends when i was 12, and after being served thinking 'maybe i should try buying cigarettes now'. Its a great lie that i intend to pass on if i ever have any of my own children

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when i was 8 and my sister was 5 i convinced her that the white wood inside a freshly broken tree branch was uncooked chicken. i had to sit in the corner when my mom caught her chewing on some.

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At one restaurant, there were signs on the tables reading "Wednesday, All You Can Eat, Spaghetti!" My then-six-year-old daughter looked intensely at the sign, turned to me and said, "Spaghetti is not ALL you can eat!" She thought that the sign meant the only dish available on Wednesday was spaghetti!

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When I was a kid I used to believe that there were 4 tubes or pipes that food went down when you swallowed them. The 4 tubes corresponded to- what was then- the 4 food groups. So when you choked on a piece of food and it "went down the wrong tube" it was because a vegetable must've went down the dairy tube...

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my friend used to think that regular milk ca,e from white cows and that chocolate milk came from brown cows
my dad thinks to this day that white eggs come from white chickens and brown eggs come from brown chickens . When I asked him what black chickens lay ... he walked away . lolz

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When I was about three I used to think that lipgloss was called "lickluss" and that you were supposed to eat it.

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My neice used to believe that it was ok to eat meat so long as it was "the kind that grows in the ground"

Therefore, as long as she could justify to herself that the beef she was eating was grown, so was ok

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When I was a little girl, my mom used to make sandwiches for me and my brother. I would always have a grilled cheese sandwich, since I guess I did a minor transposition in my head and turned "grilled" into "girled." My brother always ate boysenberry sandwiches (since they were obviously for boys) after he realized they weren't POISONberry sandwiches and our mother wasn't really trying to kill us.

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i used to belive that "dessert" was a word that my family had made up until one day, at a restaurant, the waiter asked if i wanted dessert. i asked if this man was my uncle. to this day my parents don't know why.

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When I was little, my grandma(maybe grandpa too) told me that if I didn't eat I'd get smaller and smaller till I could fit through the crack under the door. She (they) told this to my cousins too. When I was about 6, I believed this was true and I really wanted to grow. So that upset me. Till I grew up enough to realize it wasn't true. I've skipped meals before and I'm the size I'm supposed to be. I'm still here.

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My dad made me belive ever since I was born that ketchup was called applesauce, and applesauce was called ketchup. One day I went to a restraint and got a hamburger, and I ask for some applesauce on it. The waiter just looked at me like "huh?" My parents explained to her that I really wanted "KETCHUP" on my hamburger, not applesauce.

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In order for my mom to get me to eat certain foods she would assighn them different names. She would call tomatoes cherry tomatoes and since i love fruit i would eat them. She also called fried egss bubble eggs. I think I was about 15 and we went to a resturant and someone asked me what kind of eggs i wanted and I said Bubble eggs please. I was totally emberassed when I found out that Bubble eggs were really fried eggs.

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I used to believe that Haggis grew on trees, cause my dad tied one to a branch in the garden

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