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top belief!

when i was around 10, i was very picky with my food. my dad would come home with groceries, and i would look through them and tell him i didn't like any of it. my dad got frustrated and exclaimed, "what are you going to eat? air?!" my 4-year-old brother then yelled, "i want air! i want air! did you buy air at the store?"

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When I was a kid, my older brother told me that if I touched an uncooked potato, in my sleep I would turn into a giant potato and my family would eat me. That is to say, I never touched a potato or potato product (including fries) till I was about 11.

Crystal I
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As a child my dad told me that the donner kebab meat was an elephants leg - I believed him until I was 9

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I had taken my 5 year old son to a popular fish-n-chips place to eat. Our food arrived and as I passed out the food, he loudly exclaimed, "I won't be eating any of those dog balls!" (He was talking about the hushpuppies)

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When I was little I didn't know that omelets were made with eggs, so when my mother asked me how I wanted my omelet I would always say: with eggs!

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When I was little I didn't understand about digestion and the relationship between food and "poop". I thought that when you were asleep the food would go down your leg and crawl out your feet. I would always think about little grren bean opening a door in my heel and walikng across my bed!

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I used to believe that if I closed my hand on a handful of peanuts, the peanuts would transform into a Snickers bar.

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Because i was the youngest of 3 brothers my mom told me at an early age that chickens had front legs, all because i wanted a leg like my big brothers. I found out at school when the dinner lady said in front of everyone, chicken only got two legs !

try and live that one down .

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top belief!

When I was little I used to believe that a serial killer was a man who came to your house and crushed your cheerios. For years I used to check my cereal boxes everyday to see if he had come.

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One day my grandmother took me to McDonald's for hamburgers and french fries. I bit into a fry that had a hollow space in it. I showed it to her and said "Look, nan, they didn't finish stuffing this one!" I couldn't understand why she laughed so hard at that!

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When i was a kid, my father had me believing in the spaghetti tree, which resembled a willow tree but it was spaghetti that hung down and got cut off at harvest time. This i bought, lock stock and barrel, and was thoroughly confused when we were shown some old faked documentary showing the spaghetti being harvested in the fields in Italy!

Desba Silvers
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When we had chicken for dinner my older brother and sister told me, that if you would eat chicken wings one day you could fly! Of course that was exactly what I wanted to do! So I specialized on chicken wings, while they ate away on those legs, that being the reason why they told me that story in the first place. Everybody was happy for a long time with this agreement!

Hans, Germany
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top belief!

As my surname is Brown, I thought that my family had special food especially for them - Brown sauce and Brown bread

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When I was little I would always refuse to eat grilled-cheese sandwiches. It made my mother crazy, because she knew that I liked them. Finally one day she demanded to know why I wouldn't eat it and I said, "I can't eat GIRL cheese sandwiches... I'm a BOY."

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When we were little, each of my three sisters and I all went through a faze of think we were eating "Palmers and cheese" insted of parmesan cheese on our pasta. I always wondered what palmers were and how they mixed them into the cheese. I think I was imagining something along the lines of a palm leaf, I was quite disappointed when I found out the truth.....

Spaghetti fan, england
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top belief!

When we were little my brother loved to eat pork chops because he thought they were called Port Chops and Ports were a very rare and delicious animal because he had never seen one. He didn't learn otherwise until I told him the truth when he was in his late teens. He was rather disappointed.

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I told my kids that Chocolate custard/pudding with Pokemon on the lids were actually made from ......SQUISHED pokemons!

Bec T aka Atredies
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When I was younger my sister and I would sometimes stand out on our deck which looked into the woods eating carrots. My sister would eat a carrot and then tell me she could see through the woods to the street about 1/4 mile away and tell me what color car was driving by at the time. She told me to keep eating carrots and it would improve my eyesight so I could see that far too. I have eaten a lot of carrots in my days but still have yet to see through the woods to the other side.

faithful carrot eater
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I always thought that the Kellogs Special K advert which said, "For grown up people who'd rather not grow anymore.." really meant that it would stop you getting any taller. I loved the stuff but was always wary of stunting my growth. I'm 6'3" tall now (but fat)

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My parents told me that scotch eggs were laid by a Haggis.

sarah c
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