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When I was about 8 years old, my brother used to tell me weird storys...
one of the consequence of his storys was that I used to belive that people cry when they cut onion because when they cut the onion they remember the "onion man" that died very young, and they get sad when remembering the story and start crying...

Eyal B
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When I was 5 we were at an IHOP. I was stuck on the concept of money for food and asked my mother about it. She said "We give the man money and he gives us Pancakes"
So in my head I saw us giving the man a quarter and him turning it into a pancake.

Mike Gervasi
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~ When I was 6 yrs. old, my baby sitter told me if i ate to many tuna fish sandwiches, i would turn intto a fish!

Hey, i was little, give me a break!~

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When I was a kid my favoutrite meal was spaghetti bologneise (still is) though I was sure it was spaghetti boilin' eggs!

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I never liked to eat the peel on apples, so I always asked my mother to cut it off for me. One day, when I went to visit my grandmother, she began cutting the peel off an apple she was about to eat. I remarked that I didn't like the peel either, to which she replied: "No, it's not good to eat, there's little bits of poop on it." I believed her for a long time until I closely inspected one and could find no traces of poop whatsoever.
I now eat the peel on the apples.

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I used to believe that pickles were made from baby alligators. Why? Because my dad told me they were, because he thought it was funny.

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While out shopping with my mom in the meat section of the supermarket, I would see packages of chicken with a sticker "B'LESS CHICKEN" on it. I didn't know that "B'LESS" actually stood for boneless chicken, and thought the priest went round blessing every piece of chicken so as to make it safe for our consumption. Ahh, those were the days.

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I used to think I had to eat two biscuits or two mini choc bars at a time because if I only ate one it would be lonely. Poor little biscuit, getting digested all on its own . . . sniffle.
I do not believe this now, but eating two biscuits at a time has become a habit. No wonder I'm so fat.

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when we were younger my cousin and i were in a fish and chip shop when he asked his mum what a portion was!

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I used to believe that you could always tell who was a "big" kid.
Big kids could always eat the apple all the way around BEFORE it started to turn brown!

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I used to think that cows would eat chickens and that is why eggs and milk are in the same food group.

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When I was little I was told that carrots were good for your teeth, so every time I ate carrots and would rub them over my teeth like I was brushing. I was convinced it gave me whiter teeth.

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At the age of 3, my mother made me believed that if I ate chicken wings (I personally hated them in the past), I will get to fly when i "grow up". But of course I never did despite eating them obediently.

Lois July Snow
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I used to think chocolate was medicine for my father, thats what he called it "Daddy's medicine" so that he could safely keep it lying on the panty shelf.

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for years, I thought that I invented the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

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We were at a restaurant when I was very young, and I demanded that I could order my own breakfast off the menu. My parents said okay, and when the waitress came over I was ready. She asked me what I wanted, and I proudly announced, "Two eggs - any style!"

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I used to believe that eating burnt toast would make your teeth whiter and would brush your teeth for you.

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My dad used to tell me ""if i ate too many eggs i would become eggbound and explode"", I later discovered he did it so he could have my wartime ration,because I believed him I always let him have my eggs.

Owen davies of salford
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I used to think that eggs were made in a factory. The oval shell made them fit perfectly in the egg cartons.

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I used to believe eggs were a substitute for a lost bouncy-ball. I would try to bounce the eggs on the living room floor, and when they would crack, I'd assume that egg was "defective" and grab another. Eventually, I figured out that eggs don't bounce but I'd still try it, yknow, 'just in case'.

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