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When I was in preschool, the class bully told me that peas were actully cow boogers. Still won't eat peas.

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I used to believe you couldnt leave any peas on your plate otherwise they would be upset at being parted from the ones you ate.

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When my brother and I were little, we believed that lemons were sweet because any time we had something with lemons in it, it was sweet. We believed that until our Dad brought home a lemon and gave us a slice. I took one bite and accused him of injecting soap into it!

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I never knew that raisins were dried grapes. One day I accidently dropped a grape and it rolled under our microwave. A few months later my parents changed the kitchen around and I wondered why there was a raisin where I'd left a grape.

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I believed that since vegetables came from the ground it was my duty to wash them, so I put them in with my mums washing. She only knew when she heard them banging around!

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Aged about six or seven, I was sat eating breakfast with my father and grandfather and asked them what "Daddies" brown sauce was made of. "It's made of daddies", they told me. I was horrified and was convinced for years that some day the sauce people would come and make my Dad into sauce.

Nick West
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I used to think that hotdogs came from charcoal cubes. I think it started when I watched my father set up a barbeque. I never saw the hotdogs placed on the grill. All I remember is seeing the dogs on the grill and the charcoals disintegrated...

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When I was a child, my Mom told me that carrots had vitamins in them. I tried and tried to see them and was sure if I kept eating them that one day I would find a vitamin tablet inside.

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I used to believe that if you soaked a raisin (or prune) in water, it would turn back into a grape (or plum).

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When i was little I thought the bruised part of the banana was the healthiest part. That's what my mom told us to get us to eat it.

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I used to believe anchovies and artichokes were the same thing.

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My friend had me convinced that when you broke a peanut in half, the little thing at the top, bettween the two was a gnome. I would pick that part out.

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My parents had me convinced when I was a child that the cuts of meat we ate for dinner were from dinosaurs. it was the only way they could get me to try anything new.

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My niece used to call Marmite Falloy! Where she got the word Falloy from nobody knows

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In the late 60s a type of artificial sweetener called 'cyclamates' were banned, and one brand of orange squash had 'cyclamate free' printed on the label. I couldn't work out why they were giving away flowering house plants with squash.

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When I was younger my sister told me that cream eggs were made with real cream (which I didn't like) so that I would give any that I had to her!

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When I was a young child, my parents would have heated discussions regarding the state of their finances. During these converstaions, my mom would often say "I just can't make ends meet." I believed that end's meet was a sort of casserole or lunch meat: end's meat. I didn't understand at all the importance of my mom making end's meat when I was perfectly happy with hotdogs and mac and cheese.

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When I was little, my first teacher told us to smash up the shell of our boiled eggs so the devil couldn't use them as a boat, but my Grandmother would tell us not to play with our eggshells, otherwise we'd get warts, I worried for quite dome time whether it was best to be warty or demon posessed.

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As a child, we always had strawberries and raspberries growing in the garden. During the winter, my mother sometimes bought tinned fruit and, for several years, I believed that the tinned fruits were artificial and made in a factory! You can't blame me because they taste so different to the fresh fruit!

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My daughter believed that as bees made honey, ants must make marmite.

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