i used to believe

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My whole family have persuaded my niece of 4 1/2 that brussel sproats are green sweets and yorkshire puddings are "pudding"! Well...she eats all her sunday lunch!!!

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Having grown up in Wisconsin (a cold northern state), I thought that limes were lemons picked early. Now living in California, I have made friends here who also believe that ... STILL ... and they are natives!

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when i was about 7 at a family barbecue i was really curious o find out what part of the animal a sausage came from. as you can imagine my cousuns told me the "truth" and i refused to eat a cows weiner again.

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I remember searching a box of Triscuits for a cracker with elaborate toppings like on cover of the box
(cheese,olive, tomato etc.) and being disappointed that the only ones left inside the box were plain dry crackers.

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My mother-in-law used to tell my daughter that if she ate dry stuffing mix her tummy would swell up and she would explode.

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My Nan used to say that if you ate rice pudding every day you would live till 100.

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I was told by my lying sod of a mother that if I didn't wash behind my ears that cauliflowers and potatoes would start to grow there - I'll never forget the time - after a rather vigorous (and swampy) 5 aside football match, she removed a whole baby cauliflower (what I now realise was a frozen cauliflower floret - the joys of sleight of hand) - and took the credit for preventing my ears from becoming a garden allotment.

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I used to think that when popcorn was popping a giant war was happening inside of the pop corn bag.

My friend used tot hink that there was a leprichaun inside the bag and he would get so mad he would pop

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my grandmother used to tell me that if you ate rice pudding everyday you would live to be onr hundred years old.

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I was convinced all through my childhood that the backbone in a sardine was actually its teeth!

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In an effort to ensure that my sister and I ate all the rice in our bowls, my mom would tell us that the amount of rice left-over in our bowls will equal to the amount of freckles on our future spouses. Not having been exposed to freckles at that time, we both ate every, single piece of rice dutifully. Funny thing is I still can't leave any rice left-over comfortably even though I think freckles are cute.

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I used to believe that a brothel was where poor people used to go to get free broth.

Rob. UK
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When i was about 9, I watched a documentary about rural Italy, in which Spaghetti was seen to be hung on tree branches to dry - For the next 5 years or so I mistakenly believed that Pasta grew on trees...

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My dad and I convinced my 11 year old sister that buffalo wings come from baby buffalo, that when they are babies their wings fall off and voila! buffalo wings

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When I was a child my Grandma told me if I threw food on the fire I was feeding the devil

Anthony P.
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I used to believe that Soup of the Day was made especially just for me. I was always amazed that restaurants knew I was going to eating there and had prepared it

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My dad told me that eating burnt toast would put hairs on your chest ( just what every eight year old female would want) but because dad said it then that was ok

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I used to love to help my mum with the baking and I used to eat raw pastry. My mother however assured me that it would give me worms and as a result I cant eat it to this day.

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Up until I was 16 I never ate mince pies at Christmas because I believed they were made of beef mince meat! I could never understand why people would want to eat meat pies with sugar on top!!

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My mum used to feed us endless amounts of marrowfat peas. Both my sister and I hated them. I used to think my stomach wouldn't eat them and that they'd pile up to the point where I'd explode and cover evryone in the vicinity with undigested marrowfat peas. To this day my Mum is convinced we liked them.

Paul N
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