i used to believe

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I used to believe that if a ate spaghetti mixed into mashed potatos that it would taste like baked beans. I was never very keen on spaghetti.

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I used to believe that if you cut a slice of bread in half and made a sandwich out of it, you only ate half a slice.

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My wife was told by her mother, that men who sold burgers and hotdogs from stands, urinated in the onions as they had no where else to go - she still won't eat a burger to this day - her arguement......where else do they go?!!!

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I used to think that broccolli was baby trees, and used to hide mine and plant it, in the faint hope that it would grow.

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I used to believ that that a cheese burger was a burger made out of cheese - and so regarded the dripping brown sizzlers for the first nine years of my life.

M.C. Collinz
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I used to believe, because of my Uncle telling me this was so, that Minces (as in Mince Meat Pies) were animals that could only be killed with guns, but that it was really, really hard to get them because they were so small and they were so valued for their sweet meat that we only ate them at Christmas.

Jude Horrocks
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At christmas, we always make a little buffet with crackers and spreads and sarnies. Stuff like that. But my nan would never eat brussels pate. We thought she just didn't like it until the day came when she said "how can you eat a pate made from sprouts?"

The Game
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I used to believe that joints of beef were cylindrical, not realising that they were rolled. When my mother asked me how I thought they got that shape of meat out of a cow I said 'with a hole-puncher'. I then had a dream about cows on a conveyor belt with these massive hole-punchers rising and falling.

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When I was little, my mom made lots of spaghetti and meatballs. She told me meatballs came from a special place. So for the next few years, I thought that testicles, albeit well-processed, were in my spaghetti. That stuff freaked me out, man.

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The first time I heard about people eating frogs legs I was very young and naturally horrified. I thought that all of these frogs had to spend the rest of their lives on crutches!!

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when i was small, i wouldnt eat the end of bananas because i believed the black specks were spider eggs. still not sure if they are or not ;)

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On April 1st, many years ago, I watched a black and white program with my sister in which Italian woman were shown picking long strands of spaghetti form "spaghetti" trees. We tried in vain to convince our parents that this was a fact, after all we'd seen it on TV.

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My brother and I sent his kids out shopping for snacks - "buffalo chips and sheep dip". The three boys aged 5-10 hopped on their bikes and peddled from store to store. We know because at each store they would call and say the people had said they were out but they should try another store and they wanted permission to go there. We died laughing until their mom got home.

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I used to believe that snakes bit the ends of banannas when they grew on trees, so I would never eat the ends.

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My 4th grade teacher (Mr Walton)told me(and the class)that spagetti was grown in large fields.Farmers would start with little seeds((he held up some rice) and that the grew in rows along the ground.After failing to grow my own,I stuck some spagetti upright in a container of dirt and brought it to class.He winked and said he never saw pasta grow straight up like that..lol
My son is in his high school science class.I reminded Mr Walton of the "pasta test" and he remarked"it did get you to thinking about things now didn't it?" He was right!

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I used to believe that when you boiled an egg it went soft then hard and if you boiled it to long the yolk went soft again.

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mum used to tell us we were having "snakes pie" for dinner. Of course this was really steak & kidney pie, which we wouldn't eat because we didn't want to eat kidneys! So I actually thought "snakes pie" was really made of snakes, until I found out we don't even have snakes in New Zealand!

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i used to believe only catholics used to eat good food ie meat and veges and that non catholics ate fish and chips all the time

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As a child I loved bananas but not the bruised bits so to get me to stop taking it apart and making a mess my parents convinced me that the bruised bits had actually turned into sugar (and I loved sugar) I still like a bruised banana

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At 8, my parents told me spagetti grew from the ground. A very believable explanation backed up by the crop of spagetti they grew in the back garden for me. I would come home everyday to inspect it until it got too tall and floppy to grow straight up. We then picked it, dried it and ate it for dinner.

Sam Sharp
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