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I used to think that if I ate a Wunderbar chocolate bar, I could spin around and become Wonder Woman.

Miss Naive
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I used to beileve that eggs over medium were called dip toast eggs. I didn't realize till I went to a resturant and tried to order a dip toast egg, that they weren't called that.

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As a youngster during winter I was told that when I ate my bowl of 'Readybrek'(porridge to the less fortunate)you would glow orange like the guy on the packet. When I asked my mum why none of my fiends could see I was told this is because only adults could see it. After a 20 minute car ride to school I was always told that it had worn off so none of the teachers could see it either so don't ask. Got me for years, obviously my siblings will be told this one too.

Jay Wilson
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In England, 'Lyons Syrup' comes in tins with a picture of a lion lying in the sun. My father told me that this was how they made syrup, by leaving lions out in the sun to melt. I believed it for a long time, and even thought I could taste the lion.

Chris Smith
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1) that jingle from the ice-cream van means they've run out.

2) I have a pudding stomach (I convinced my kids of this) because even when I'm full up and I can't eat anymore main course, I can always eat a pudding.

3) based in how it is when it melts, my step daughter told the waitress that the sorbet she was eating was 'slug spit'.

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We used to get a famous brand of butter with picture of a cow on the front, and i used to think the butter was actually made of cows, and would askfor "cow butter" on my sandwiches

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i believed, coming from my grandfather on my mother's side, that veal was not to be eaten because it was mermaid meat. i learned that this wasn't true, of course, but i was shocked to learn, at 15 yrs old, that my grandfather believed this with all his heart... even to the day he died.

ms charley
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When my son was 7 or 8, he use to love turkey but hate chicken. No way could I make him eat it until one day I told him that the roasted chicken I had cooked was a "baby turkey". Boy, did love it. Never had any trouble with him eating chicken (baby turkey) after that.

mrs bee
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When I was younger, there were protests against destruction of the rainforests for cattle ranching. So somebody told me that 'they cut down the rainforests to make McDonalds beefburgers'. For years I thought that burgers were made of wood.

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One time we went to a restaurant, and my dad took my sister (who was about 4) to see the lobster tank. She asked him how the restaurant could tell the girl lobsters from the boy lobsters. THinking fast, my dad said that the boy lobsters had blue rubber bands and the girl lobsters had pink ones.

She announced this to her class at school the next day. And she believe it well until she got into high school.

Jim Thomason...
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I used to think that mushrooms were meat.

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i used to think 'grilled cheese sandwich', my favourite lunch, was actaully 'girl cheese sandwich' which meant it was only for girls

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when I was young, I was told that Cornish Pasties were made so that you could get a whole meal into a small package that you could drop down a Cornish mineshaft. I finally realised it would break when it hit the bottom when I was nineteen.

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While eating mince and taties, I'd sometimes come across a lump of meat where it had stuck together during cooking. I thought that if you swallowed these lumps without breaking them up, they would turn up in your scrotum as replacements!

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When i was 10 my bro told me that if i ate one banana i would become a monkey and two i would become a gurrilla.
i actually got up in the night and went to the mirror to check.

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Mum used to eat Special K. The advert said 'for people who don't want to grow any more' I was 8 and thought that cos I eat it I wouldn't get any taller.

Mike Bilsborough
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When she was little my niece couldn't pronounce "brocolli" - she used to say blockery - so she called it trees. Now she is 14 and we recently went to a restaurant for her birthday. She was very tired as we had been out all day. When the waitress asked if she wanted vegetables she wearily said "have you got any trees?" The poor girl didn't know why we all fell about laughing but then the waitress said "green or white?" (brocolli or cauliflower) My niece was chuffed and asked for both!

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I used to believe that Rose wine was a mixture of red and white wine!

Tracy Miggins
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I used to believe treacle came from pigs. This was an unfortunate cross-pollenation of two kitchen conversations I was listening to at the same time: my grandmother telling me that every part of a pig was usable, even the head and cheeks - and that you could get something (I think the real answer was brawn) by boiling down pigs cheeks. This overlapped with my mother muttering something about treacle, and - no pun intended - it stuck. I thought, until I was about 16 actually, that treacle was made by boiling down pigs cheeks.

John H
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During the war my granny lived in an evacuated childrens home in the middle of a forest, since there was nothing but trees she used to think that bread rolls grew on trees.

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