i used to believe

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top belief!

My mom told me that eating meat would make me tan. I belived this for about two years. Then one day I told my friend and she laughed and said that it wasn't true. No wonder I'm so white.

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top belief!

My brother and I used to believe that eating sardine tails would make us turn into Daleks. We still ate them sometimes though and carried on the belief despite the lack of evidence!

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When I was younger, my mother was making lobsters for dinner (they were still alive before she threw them in the boiling water)and everytime she threw one in, she made a low screaming noise and she says "Did you hear that? The lobsters are screaming because they're in pain" I actually believed that it was them screaming once they were thrown in the water because she never told me that it was her making the noise. I am now 24 and to this day, I listen for the lobsters when I see them getting thrown into the water.

Angela I. - Long Island, NY
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I used to think that my mom had to buy ice cubes from the store and bring them home to fill up the trays.

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top belief!

My dad always used to tell me that the bubbles in pop came from bugs in the bottom of the bottles that were trapped in there at the factory. He also used to say that anchovies(on a pizza) were monkey brains.

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I believed that Brussel Sprouts were baby cabbages....they are just so cute!

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my parents used to tell me that if we left food on our plates it was 'a mouthful for the devil' so we were too scared to leave any in case the devil came and took it!

Fiona, NZ
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I used to tell my little sister that she had to eat the fortune in her fortune cookie in order for it to come true. That's why it's in a cookie!

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My mom was having a party for people she worked with, I was about 9 years old. She was telling me about all of her co-workers coming over so I asked her "are we gonna have Orgies?" Well, my mom just about dropped her jaw and practically washed my mouth out with soap. "Where did you learn that word!?" she said with a rather harsh tone so now I'm practically in tears and in defense replied.. "THE LITTLE HOT DOGS WITH THE TOOTHPICKS IN 'EM MOM!"

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Like most children,i used too hate vegetables,but my mum told me if i ate my carrots i would have good eyesight and be able too see in the dark.

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I was told as a kid that if I ate my broccoli, a tree would start to grow on the other side of the world. And, because broccoli looks like little trees, I believed it. I still love broccoli.

Meow Kitty
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I used to believe the boy on the cracker jack box could talk cuz my mom ate mine one time when I was gone and told me she had to because it keep saying "Eat Me! Eat Me!"

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I used to believe that the meat you eat is turning to be your own muscles.

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This isn't actually my belief, but my best friends, and I still tease him about it to this day. He said to me once, I really like bananas, but when you go to the store you have to buy so many, so I don't. It took me a minute to realize that he believed that you had to buy them in bunches like they sit on the shelves. He didn't realize that you can break off as many as you want and leave the rest. Men!

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I used to believe that french fries were made of bread.

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When I was a kid I'd always hated Kool Whip, so it was no trick for a friend to convince me that Kool Whip was made from whipped beef fat. Imagine my embarassment when years later I was telling my in laws about why I wouldn't eat it and even went so far as to get a tub out of the fridge to read the ingredients, which of course included absolutely no beef fat.

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As a boy, during school dinners, I really used to enjoy the turnip that was regularly served with our meals.
All the other kids hated the stuff, but I couldn't get enough of it, and regularly used to finish off their unwanted portions.
For some reason I ended up telling my mother about this, and - because she didn't like the thought of me eating off other kids' plates - she told me that turnip was well-known for stunting the growth, and that schools were encouraged to serve it by cunning parents, so that kids wouldn't outgrow their school uniforms too quickly.
This certainly put me off the vegetable very quickly, and for years afterwards I believed this to be gospel, and would casually inform other people about the dangers of this growth-stunting root vegetable.
It wasn't until I was about twenty - and my height had stayed stubbornly at five feet no inches - that I casually observed to my mother that perhaps I'd been warned too late about the turnip after all. It was then that she shamefully admitted her deceit, and I enjoyed my first serving of turnip in years!

Carl Hollingsworth
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'Girl Cheese Sandwich'. Sadly, it wasn't until I was 20 years old looking at a restaurant menu that I saw the printing 'Grilled Cheese Sandwich' and let out a big "Ohhhhhhhhhh".

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I was in a sandwich shop and heard someone order a BLT. I thought he'd ordered a DLT and that it was named after the DJ Dave Lee Travis.

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top belief!

When I was little I used to believe if I ate enough chicken wings I'd be able to fly. I don't know where I got that idea but nobody in my family told me that.

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