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My brother and I used to believe (because our mom told us so) that Zoom cereal would make you run faster. We would run up and down the hallway and ask if we were any faster than before. 

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I grew up on a small cattle ranch, and honestly believed that we got steaks from shearing cattle the same way the neighbors got wool from shearing their sheep. Imagine my father's surprise when I asked him at dinner "do cows shivered when you take their meat off?".

I had no idea they actually died before you could eat their beef!

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I used to believe that the big Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket signs on the pole were filled with gravy and they would run a hose into the shop to fill up the gravy containers.
I thinks my big brother told me this once and of course his trusting little brother fell for it.

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For some odd reason I used to think that the little blobs in tapioca pudding came from banana peels.

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Until I was at my first college, I more or less believed that you had to go to a restaurant to eat Chicken Fried Steak (steak patties fried in batter, then covered in gravy, for non-Texan) and also to eat Mexican food, even if Mother told me there were people who actually made both in their homes! When I was in college, I was invited over to a friend's place for dinner where he and his wife (then girlfriend) made chicken fried steak! I was so excited I called up Momma and told her. "They actually MAKE chicken fried steak?" she asked.

Hilary the Baker
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Up until an embarassingly advanced age, I believed that pimentos came from inside olives, and I felt bad for the guy who had to take the pimento out of each olive to fill up those jars of pimentos we bought in the grocery store.

Misty A. Smith
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I used to believe that Bleu Cheese made you strong, because my dad mentioned something about its strong flavor. I believed this for far too long.

Eliot Van Buskirk
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when I was very young - somewhere between preK and 1st grade, I thought EVERTYONE commonly ate lobster for dinner. My Dad bought out the inventory of a Seafood distributor going out of business, so my family ate lobster for dinner at least twice a month for about a year.

Kim Schumacher
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When I was young I thought butter was used to cool food down when it was to hot. Now with a skyrocketing chlosterol count I am aware that temperature control is not butter's primary function.

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When I was little, I asked my dad how the holes got in Swiss cheese. He said that people hung up the slices in trees and shot them with bullets from a shotgun.

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That the frying vats in the fish and chip shop went all the way down dep into the seaq and the fish would be trapped in them and be fried for our dinner and that the little black marks still left in the potato chips were the nibbles left there by the fish beforfe they were caught

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i used to believe if you liked the color red the you had to like katchup and if u liked the color yellow then u had 2 like mustard

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I could never understand why there was such a thing called "beast stew." I was 12 twelve years old before I finally realized that it was actually called "beef stew."

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I used to believe that all eggs had chickens in them and that if you cooked them just a little (which the farmer must have done before selling them) the chickens turned into liquid. If you cooked them more, the chickens turned solid as in hard-boiled eggs.

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When I was young I often wondered what rich people ate instead of potatoes.I just knew it had to be something sweet!

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My mom used to tell me , 'never leave a single cereal on the bowl'. Because they would cry so hard even the whole house could hear them. Not only that, they would cry out my name. Until now, I always finish my cereal, until the last drop.

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when my dad would cook breakfast for me, he would give me burnt toast and tell me that i had to eat it so that i would get tan like him (he is of mediterranean descent but, apparently, the olive skin gene didn't get transmitted to me). i wanted to be just like him, so i dutifully ate whatever burnt toast he gave me...and started eating burnt toast on my own. it didn't work (i'm still pasty white) and it was only years later that i realized that my dad couldn't cook and just said that so i would eat the things that he burnt!

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Heh, when I was really young I hated mustard sauce, so everytime it came in a fast food sandwich my mom would tell me it was "yellow ketchup" - you know, just so she didn't have to order one without it. Reasonable enough, since you can't even taste it. Still, I believed it until I was about 13 or so.

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When I was little I was eating an apple when my mother asked if I had washed it, I replied no and she went completely nuts yelling DON'T YOU KNOW THE WASH APPLES WITH INSECT POO! For years afterwards I was fanatic about washing fruit. When i was 18 I was telling my boyfriend off for not washing his apple because of the insect poo polishing on the outside, everyone laughed at my stupidity. When I yelled at mum later she denied all knowledge of ever saying they used insect poo as polish!!!

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You know the, "you are what you eat" saying...yeah, lets just say that it took me a while to move away from the mirror after every meal

Fruity little girl
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