i used to believe

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My Dad used to tell me that if I didn't eat my beans I would never grow. One day we were shopping and my Dad ran into an old friend of his and introduced his wife. The wife was very, very short. I piped up and said, "She didn't eat her beans, did she daddy?"

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This was something I made my boyfriend's little cousin believe. We were on holidays in a caravan park and we had gone to get some hot chips whilst the 'little' kids weren't looking so we didn't have to share them. When we got home, we were sprung by Scotty. He asked us where we got the chips from and I told him there was a chip tree outside. Meanwhile, my boyfriend had gone outside and strategically placed some chips around this tree. Scotty raced out, all excited and came back with all these chips. He believed chips came from trees for years to come and we still give him grief about it.

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My father told me that Cheetos were actually "Cheesetoes"-severed, deep fried, and flavored toes from a human...damn yummy, though. I still love them.

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I once knew a girl who until her earlie 20s beleived that the cherry on an ice cream sundae was actually a red beetle and the pink juice that gets on the whipped cream was its blood. That one was thanks to her older brother.

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When I was 4 years old, I was eating breakfast with my brother. We
were having eggs (which I loved), and all of a sudden, he asked me "How
do you like eating that dead chicken?" I was completely horrified. I knew
that chickens had eggs, but I didn't know the eggs would turn into
chickens. I couldn't eat eggs for the longest time, until I learned that the
egg had to be fertilized in order to become a chicken. To tell you the truth,
sometimes I still can't eat eggs!

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when i was like 4 or 5 i used to believe that noodles were dried worms & when you boiled them they would come back to life & if u ate then they would live in you forever.

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I never understood it, but my grandparents used to tell me that if I didn't wash my ears, potatoes would sprout out of them...I still don't get it.

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When I was a child, I often heard the adage, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I found this very disturbing and confusing. My father was a doctor and he loved apples. He ate them all the time. I thought maybe he ate the apples so he could stay away at work all the time. I wasn't sure. Maybe if other people ate apples, my father would die. I never developed a taste for that fruit. It gives me the creeps.

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I guess because my mom used to say things at the dinner table such as"leave some room" for dessert or whatever, and because we learned about the "different food groups", I thought that my stomach was like a little house with different shaped rooms for the different foods. There was a round room or compartment for the scoop of ice cream.

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My older brother told me that if you ate nothing but bananas and vaseline all your life, you would live forever.

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when I was a young man my dad convinced me that haggis's were little hairy creatures that lived on Scotish hillsides with legs that were shorter on one side so they could stand on the hill comfortably, how easily we are mislead :0)

Adrian Garden
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Once, when I was about 8 years old, my mom allowed me to make a batch of brownies from a box mix. The directions said, "Stir by hand" so that is what I did: I stuck my hand in the bowl of batter to stir. My mom and I both got a good laugh out of that one.

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I used to beleave that beef jerkey was cow-scabs.

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I used to believe that "popovers" would flip themselves upside down in the oven (like a giant popcorn kernnel) so I when we finally got an oven with a window in it-I sat and watched them cook. I got sad when I realized it wasnt true and never ate them again.

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When I was about 4 years old, my mom and I were making muffins. We mixed the batter and she said, "Okay, now all we have to do is throw them in the oven." I picked up the muffin tray, worked up my strength, and THREW the muffins into the oven, batter spilling everywhere. Mom just shook her head and we started over.

Kathy M.
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I used to believe an artichoke was an animal and we only ate its heart.

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I know...
Bees make honey and
flies make peanut butter!

(my son at age 3, noticing a fly which had landed on a gob of peanut butter on the counter)

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I could read very early on, and a lot of the healhty cereals my mother would buy would talk about heart disease and why their cereal was healthy for you. I'd somehow gotten the idea that sugar went straight into your veins and made blockages, which then caused heart attacks. I took a look at my skinny little arms, and then at the spoonfuls of sugar I dumped on my Wheat Chex every morning, and stopped eating sugar on my cereal because I was sure that I was going to have a heart attack before I turned five.

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I used to believe you could pour lemonade in a pan, put it in the oven and make lemonade cake.

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When the toaster would pop up my toast in the morning, my daughter used to call "Dad, your toast is here!" She told me she thought it was delivered each morning through the toaster.

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