i used to believe

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When I was younger, I used to think that the food samples displayed on the packs of pots and pans were included in the package.

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My mother always told me that if I didn't eat my vegetables that I wouldn't grow or get any bigger. So everytime I saw a dwarf I would think that they hadn't eaten their vegetables. Until one day I pointed it out to my mom right in front of him. My mom scolded me and told him she was sorry.

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My mom was always talking about "making
ends meat" but I don't ever remember having it served at dinner!

John Stees
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Like any other little kid, I used to believe that brussels-sprouts were tiny baby cabbages, and I still call them like that. And that chewing gum would glue to your stomach if you swallowed it. And, worst of all, that bowling ball were made out of coconuts, like in Flinstones.

MaFe - Brazil
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I thought everyone who went to a bar would get their own bowl of peanuts or popcorn, like on Cheers. I was disappointed when I turned 21.

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I believed that the mushy brown bits in bananas were good for you as my mum obviously thought this would encourage me to eat the whole thing without fuss. It wasn't until I heard myself repeating this as fact as an adult that I realised they were just bruises and I'd been duped.

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Because I often saw my mother removing them, but never paid attention when she put them in....
I believed that french fries or "chips" for you brits came from the broiler part of the oven and if you waited a week or so there would be some in there to eat.
I recall once my mother said we had nothing to eat and I suggested that she check to see if there were any french fries in the broiler.

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i used to believe that pimentos (as in pimento-cheese) were little fish, like anchovies. Consequently, i never ate pimento-cheese until i found out differently.

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To get me to eat my food my mom assiged qualities to each food. Spinach - made you strong like Popeye. Carrots - made you see good in the dark. Peas - made you hear good.

Finneas Macabre
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When my sister was little she planted lolly sticks in the back garden, believing that they would grow into ice lollies.

Stephen from Scotland
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I thought swiss cheese came from the moon.

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My mother told me carrots would improve my eyesight, so I took that to its logical conclusion, which was of course that eating enough carrots would give me X-ray vision. My mom put a stop to that, though, since another thing I've seen on this page -- that your skin turns orange if you eat too many carrots -- is true. It happened to my older sister, and it's really more of a sickly yellow.

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I used to believe that vanilla flavoring would taste as great as it smelled!!

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When I was young, I hated salmon with a passion. So every time mum cooked it, she told me it was scottish chicken that our cousins had given us. I found out the truth 3 years later!

Jamie Miller
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I used to believe that cabbage was lettuce that had grown up.

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My mom put a warm soda in the freezer for me to get it cold quick. My sister told me to watch out because if you left it in too long it would explode. I ran for my life out of the house, thinking that the can would explode and kill us all.

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My Daddy used to tell me that if I ate cooked carrots, it would "put hair on my chest." I said, "Daddy, I don't want hair on my chest. I'm a girl!" To this day, I still don't like cooked carrots.

nancy - fort myers
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After watching a very tongue and cheek comedy bit made to be a sppof on BBC Documetaries, I thoughyt spaghetti grew on trees until I was 22 years old!

Warren Distler
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I used to believe that after eating Ready Brek I would glow, but that only adults could see it.

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It took me a long time to figure out that "gorilla cheese sandwiches" were indeed grilled, not prepared by with or for a gorilla.

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