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when I was a child I had this fascination with french fries and ketsup. So much that I didn't care how you really said the words..as long as it sounded close people usually got your point right? . After walking into the door of my favorite childhood restarunt I'd happilly grabb my mom or dad and say " Daddy/Mommy....Free Fries and Cat Sh*t!!...PEEEEZ??". My Dad thought it was a riot!

Sara Eichler
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When I was very small, one Thanksgiving, I had to go out on an emergency trip with my dad to buy a gravy boat because ours broke. I asked him what a gravy boat was and he told me it was a little boat that floats in the gravy, and when it goes bad, the boat sinks. I believed that until I was about 12 or 13.

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As a young child I used to believe that when meat was served for dinner it was only sick animals or ones that had died from being old. I finally discovered the truth when on a road trip i saw a truck full of lambs and quizzed my parents about them. They told me that is what we eat. I can honestly say I was horrified at the thought of eating heathly animals.

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I used to think there were American restaurants in China where Chinese went and asked for forks to try them, just like people try chopsticks in Chinese restaurants.

Leslie Gottlieb
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my mother told us if you ate carrots your eyes would become pretty and your eye sight would get better. my brother never ate carrots when he was younger and he has glasses and so do my two sisters, i always eat carrots and i have prefect eye sight???

Amanda IL.
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When I was a kid, I associated everything with food. Toys. Books. Music. Movies. Furniture. You name it.

EVERYthing reminded me of food.

On the show "Captain Kangaroo," I always knew that the one guy's name was "Mr. Green Jeans," but it didn't matter. From the instant I first heard his name, he was "Mr. Green Beans" to me.

Oh, and you know that gentle glow of sunset on a deep green lawn?

That's green beans drenched in butter. Always has been. Always will be.

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That french cut green beans were riendeer food and if you ate enough of them you would be able to fly like Santa's reindeer.

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I thought "hors d'ouevres" was pronounced "horse dee-overs," until my Mom set me straight at about age 10.

She laughed and laughed at that one.

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I used to believe there were square fish (as in fish patties). I figured that fish sticks were the square fish cut up into strips.

Funny that I didn't think cows were round, or that pigs were cylindrical. I would have said, "That's silly!"

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I used to believe that if you didn't eat all of your veggies that the ones left on the plate would miss their friends who had gone into your stomach. Because I couldn't bear to think of them being sad I always cleaned my plate. Actually I still feel terrible tossing out left overs...

Not as fat as I could be
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When I was really little, I used to belive that french fries were made of fish. It made sense to me because, like the sole mom often made them with for dinner, they were white inside.

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I was told that if you put tomatoes in a fruit bowl, they would turn green apples red, and that was the only way you could get red apples! I was ridiculed by my teacher at junior school for that. Evil witch!

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When my sisters and I were young and our dad would want us to eat something.. he would say "Eat it, it'll grow hair on your chest".. so we would eat.. it wasn't until much later that I thought about this and realized that hair on my chest wouldn't be a good thing considering I'm a female!

Jo Ann
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When I was young my older cousin convinced me that as the youngest person in the family, I was supposed to eat underneath the table because that's where my food would taste best. Being an only child, my parents humoured me rather than starting a fight because I was cleaning my plate every night. When we went to a restaurant even, I would have to have my food given to me under the table. My parents tell me there were lots of strange looks and questions as they took a plate of food off the top of the table and passed it underneath.

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When I was a kid, my parents used to drive by a local luncheonette which had signs all around the upper floor of the building advertising what they sold. Since there was no grammar on the signs, I was amazed at "Malted Milk...Sandwhiches" and always wondered just what they must have tasted like?

Russ (New Jersey)
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When I was 3 or so my parents, without getting into lengthy explanations of Vitamin A, told me carrots would help me see in the dark. That night, well after bedtime, I snuck into the kitchen and stole a carrot from the fridge. My parents caught me in my dark bedroom trying to use it as a flashlight.

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My dad once told me that the juice from grapes would fix an 'owie. Once he tried it on my cut finger and I really believed it worked!

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My father never liked onions so we never ate them. Conesquently whenever we ate at McDonald's and I had my Juniorburger I thought the little pieces of onion were rice.

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When I saw people from some african countries on TV who were starving and their children had those typical huge stomachs, they said in the program that the kids were undernourished - I thought that someone nourished them from down under, that's why the stomach...

zoe santini
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I used to believe that i had to store food in my room for the winter like the squirrels. I would collect cereal, crakers and canned soups. This was pretty handy when mum send me to bed without supper.

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