i used to believe

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I used to believe that the picture on the outside of the cereal box was of everything inside... that strawberries came with the cereal - funny thing is, now they finally do!

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I used to think when my mom was offering me a grilled cheese sandwich, she was offering a "girl cheese" sandwich. So I always wondered what my brother would eat - I had never heard of a "boy cheese" sandwich.

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When i was little i would not eat sweetcorn, so my mum told me it was not sweetcorn but yellow peas

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i explained to my 5 year old brother about how burgers came from cows and sausages from pigs. after a couple of hours of what must have been hard thinking. he came back to me and said:
"i know how they make chips"
"well they get a yellow dog..."

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I used to believe that all dessert was birthday cake.

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If i didn `t eat my dinner I would become ugly when I grew up. My neighbour told me so, and since she was ugly I belived her.

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i used to believe that food that had "best before" printed on it, was a product that they used to make better in the old days. never quite understood why they decided on the decrease in quality, and still being honest enough to print it on the package.

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We believed that if we didn't finish our meals we would get the remaining food for enemas. Needless to say, we always ate everything.

John in Jax, FL
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When I was very young,on Thanksgiving, my parents would always give the "butt" part of the turkey, but tell me that it was the "turkey's nose" and that it was given to only special people. And I was all excited. It would be a couple years later that I would "put two and two together" and remember that turkeys have beaks and get their heads cut off before it's cooked. So it couldn't have been a "nose"...and my brother cheerfully told me I was eating TURKEY BUTT...and I was all upset.

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I thought when foods were considered "kosher" it was because a rabbi brought the animal into the house and read the bible to them.

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I disliked onions. My mum used to buy special 'turnip onions' and for years I believed this was a real type of vegetable!

Emma D
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I believed for years that haggis were real animals who lived on mountains and had 2 long legs and 2 short legs, which meant that they could only face one way on the mountain side, and if they ever turned arount they would fall off.

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My mother tells a story about yes/no bananas. You could wish on your banana, slice off the bottom, and if the black smooshy part looked like a "Y", your wish would come true. Try it. They all look like "y"'s.

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My mum tells me that I stopped liking peas the day I found out that my elder cousin didn't like it. I can't really understand it, 'cause today, at 20, I still don't like the taste. At family dinners we always leave a small pile of green peas behind.

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Sliced bread. I used to think that the when sliced horizontally (for sandwiches etc) the top half with the curved 'shoulders' was female and the square bottom half was male.

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Visiting some friends of my parents at their lake cabin, I went for a walk in the woods with their daughter (a couple years older than I). We found this little reddish object in the road, and she told me it was the heart of a dead animal. She pointed to the holes in it where the "veins" entered, sounding very authoritative, as if she'd seen plenty of animal hearts lying in the road.

She had me grossed out for a few minutes until she finally laughed and admitted, "It's a peach pit, dummy!"

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I used to believe that everyone in the world, when making a sandwich, would only butter one piece of bread. I carried this with me (and made sandwiches this way) until I was about 17 when I just happened to be making a sandwich while I was talking to a friend... he asked me.. "why are you only buttering one piece?" to which I replied "what? thats how sandwiches are made!" I thought it was just a strange thing that my nan did that I picked up on... but no. No one I know does or ever did the same thing.
(I still butter one side)

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Because of the ad slogan, "there's always room for Jello," I believed it literally; that Jello had a magical power that made it possible to be able eat as much as you wanted to. It was the perfect dessert. Jello is strange so it made perfect sense to me.

Keith L
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I used to think that chops(maybe you call it "porksteak"?)were grown in fidleds like famers grow cereal.Because the bones seems somewhat made of wood,and the edge of it is quite trimed. But I wondered why it was so different from others, and i wished to inspect how did they plant such delicious thing.

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When I was in secondary school studying home economics ("food technology" to more 'modern day' students or just plain 'cookery' to older ones), we had to prepare a full breakfast. I got the mistaken belief that I somehow invented hot buttered toast.

Well, I had never seen it before and therefore it was a 'new invention' for a 12 year old... But I am *so* glad now that I didn't actually reveal it to anyone...

Richy C.
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