i used to believe

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I used to believe that when I ate a bowl of cereal that had a commercial i had seen, whatever happen in the commercial would happen to me. Like Fruity Loops, i thought a jungle would appear all around me and I would meet tucan sam.

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To get me to eat my tomato soup, my mom told me it was "Porky Pig Soup", since she made it with milk and it was kind of pink. Since I loved the color pink and Porky Pig, I ate it up!!

Missy Rae
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I'm not a very hairy person, and when I was 17 a friend told me that if I rubbed raw garlics on my face, it would help me grow a thick, strong beard and moustache.

And there I was, with my face all red and swollen, and smelling for a couple days, and of course, no beard and moustache.

Sammy B
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When I was little, my mom used to give me pea soup. Since it was green, I was sure it was made with turtles. It might sound nasty, but I loved it

Sammy B
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I thought the 70's spoof "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" was actually scary. I was terrified of tomatoes for years, and even more terrified of one coming out of the kitchen sink drain because of the initial scene in the movie.

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I had my mom buy a box of lucky charms because I thought the little leprechaun would be inside.

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when i was little my mother used to tell my that egg noodles were called frog noodles because kermit the frog ate them, because i was in love with kermit the form

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the moment i realized that spaghetti and sauce were two separate things, that was my first childhood epiphany. a natural skeptic, though, i insisted on observing my mother prepare it because i couldn't believe those brown twiggy things were actually floppy red spaghetti.

captain bleep
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i used to believe that if i didn't eat all my vegetables that those thrown away would get lonely. if i didn't eat them all, i would leave an even number, so each would have a companion if they got split up.

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When I was about three, my older brother would point at the cookie jar and ask if he could have two. I therefore thought that a cookie was called a "two".

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i used to believe that bananas have feelings too!

Ste Mono
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I used to believe that if I didn't eat all of my green beans, the beans left behind would be sad, because their family was in my tummy, so I would force myself to eat them all so that they wouldn't be separated.

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At school, when I was 6 or 7, we used to get a whole kiwi in our lunch and I would be the only one out of my friends to eat it, so what my friends told me was if I keep eating them I would get hair on my chest.

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My parents always called the brown rubbery thing in the middle of mussels the "froggy" so I thought it was a real frog that got trapped in the shell. One day I was eating a mussel fritter and it had a froggy in it - I could have sworn it jumped out at me (making a break for it's freedom)! It gave me such a fright that I wouldn't eat mussels again as a child.

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A family friend said he could wiggle his ears because he ate a lot of carrots. I faitfully ate my carrots but somehow I could never get my ears to move.

Lisa T.
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Totino's once had a commercial for their Pizza Bites in which a whole pizza was folded down into one little Pizza Bite. I believed that a Pizza Bite was literally an entire pizza folded up, and told people I could eat a whole pizza in one bite.

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Years ago in the early 70's I believe Ronald McDonald was at every McDonald's in America. I convinced my little brother and sister of this. We went to our very first McDonalds and of course no Ronald. They cried the whole time. I was older but I wanted to cry too.

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When I was really small, about 4 years old, my mother was preparing Thanksgiving dinner. I ran through the kitchen and could see the Turkey cooking in the oven. I asked her what was in the oven and she flippantly replied, "It's Thanksgiving Elephant". I completely believed her and thought for the next several years that we ate elephant on Thanksgiving.

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My dad used to tell me that guacamole came from the eggs of the guac bird.

Thomas G
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When I was a kid, whenever my mum asked if my little brother and I would like to go to the local McDonalds, I would ask if Ronald McDonald was going to be there. I was convinced he was evil and would kidnap and eat me. Its only recently that McDonalds have finally dropped him from their marketing. I guess its finally safe for me to go there now.

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