i used to believe

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My sister and brother in law don't like Salt and Vinegar flavour crisps, so they told their son (my nephew) that they are "special crisps" just for him, and he eats them, leaving his parents to eat the nicer ones like Cheese and Onion.

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the neighbor girl i grew up with told me that "cheese makes you concentrate." (i *think* she meant constipate...)

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I used to believe that red pistachio shells were the same as women's press on nails.

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top belief!

i always said that i hated fish, until my nmum told me the truth when i was nine. those 'special chicken' sandwiches i loved so much were in fact tuna mayonnaise

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i was convinced chips were made of meat (probably because of the taste when they were cooked in dripping) ... my world fell apart when aged about 5 i saw the potatoes being cut ...

p.s. monica beetroot can turn your wee pink ...

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My mum told my brother that beetroot turned your wee pink. To this day he still won't eat it

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My mum told me that cold custard (which I hated) was in fact Banana Blancmange. I lapped it up for years.

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I used to beleive that liver (as in liver and onions and gravy) was rhinocerous meat.

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I used to eat my meals more slowly than my brothers and cousins so they would all be out playing while i was stuck at the table until i finished eating. I would rather be out playing of course, so i would tell my mom that i was full and that she had given me too much food. She would then tell me to open my mouth as wide as i could and then make a big show of looking down my throat and inspecting the inside of my stomach. She'd say, "I see plenty of room down there." I believed her and grudgingly finished eating before i went out to play.

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I used to belive that hamburgers were infact called "handburgers" because you ate them out of your hand :D

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My older sister had me convinced that noodles grew on trees, but that rice was man-made...

Trusting little brother
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Anyone remember the old "Cookeen" lard ads? I firmly used to believe that if I ate some of this I could actually float. I had all these great fantasies about what I could do if I ate enough of the stuff. I pestered my mum for ages to buy some and couldn't understand why she wouldn't!

Dave S
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When eating a meal, my mum would check my corners (the little space under your shoulder), there was always space for a pudding!

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i didn't eat very much as a child and so my dad told me that toast only done on one side was 'chinese toast'.
this immediately gave toast a whole new perspective for me. i then ate as much as i could.

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I was led to believe that steak was really made of children, and that if I didn't eat it, that I would be turned into steak myself. I'm 23, I still dont eat the stuff. aces to my father and his parenting skills ;)

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I used to beleive 'Lemon Sole' was a fish cooked in Lemon :-)

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I used to believe (along with thousands of other kids probably), that if you eat enough Ready Brek you would emit an eerie orange glow.

I eat loads of the stuff and then sat in front of the mirror checking. When no orange glow appeared, I'd just go to the cupboard and make another bowl.

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i used to believe (untill about a yr ago actually) that glacial cherries were made out of seaweed.

lewis rob
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Ice cream was made from feathers. My brother told me it was.

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My dad told me long macaroni grew on bushes and that spagetti was the thing left when you drilled the whole in the macaroni

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