i used to believe

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Because my brothers tormented me, I thought that blueberries had worms. They would squeeze the blueberries just right and they would ooze and kinda look like worms were coming out. I refused to eat them and hate them to this day!

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I used to believe that the phrase "add sugar to taste" on products meant that if you did not add sugar it would not taste

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As a child I believed that hamburgers were called handburgers because you held them in your hands. After my sister corrected me, I then decided that the meat must be ground ham. Made sence to me!

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I thought that the chicken in Kentucky Fried Chicken actually had to be imported from Kentucky because they had special types of frying equipment.

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Until I was in HIGH SCHOOL I thought that pimentos occured naturally inside of green olives. Embarrassed myself terribly finding out otherwise.

olive lover
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I used to believe (and still do) hot dogs are made out of the rubber from old tennis shoes and band aids (it gives hot dogs that pinky, flesh color).

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When I was five, I told my mom my theory that sausage meat came from lions. She just went with it and I think I held that belief for a while.

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When I was little, I thought chocolate mousse, was chocolate mouse. I remember the first time I ordered it I told my mom I wanted the head, because I didn't think mouse tail would taste good even when covered in chocolate.

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My mom used to cook whole, shelled shrimp (heads and all) in soups and stuff. And I always thought their eyeballs were what made peppercorns.

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It took me a long time to figure out that "gorilla cheese sandwiches" were indeed grilled, not prepared by with or for a gorilla.

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i believed that whatever part Of chicken you ate, that that's where it went in your body. like, wings went to your arms and thighs to your legs. i must have had a lot of chicken breasts!

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When I was little I heard my mom say she had lost her serial code and therefore could not register some software on her computer. Wanting to help, I ripped all of our boxes of cereals apart, waiting for a cereal code to fall out.

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I used to believe that if I didn't put the eggs in the fridge fast enough after buying them, they would hatch into chicks.

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When I was younger I used to believe that broccoli was tiny trees that little elves cut down. Because of that it was my favorite food. I wanted the little elves to always have a job. Even now knowing broccoli is just a veggie grown its still my favorite. I am definitely going to tell my kids that they are still tiny trees :)

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I used to believe ham came from hamsters. What's worse is I was totally fine with eating it!

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I used to believe that the spinning concrete trucks carried condiments around. The yellow ones carried mustard, the red ones - ketchup, and so on.

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I used to believe candy floss were a pink spider web around a stick so I didn't want to eat any. 🍭🕷🕸

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At the age of four I decided that I wanted to be a vegetarian, so my parents told me that all meat came from animals that died of natural causes. I was also told that liver was a vegetable and that it was only called liver because it resembled the organ in question. I believed this until I was about ten...

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When my brother and I were little, we believed that lemons were sweet because any time we had something with lemons in it, it was sweet. We believed that until our Dad brought home a lemon and gave us a slice. I took one bite and accused him of injecting soap into it!

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I used to believe that after you ate a steamed lobster, the lobster would still be alive in the leftover body shell. I had a hissy fit in a seafood restaurant when my mother tried to throw the shell away. She had to clean it out for me in the bathroom, and I took it home and even slept with it at night!

Eventually my mom got rid of it (it started to smell), and replaced it with a lobster stuffed animal. It just wasn't the same since I knew THAT wasn't alive...

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