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i used to believe that spaghttii was worms that were bleeding
On my first day of kindergarten, the lunch menu said, "Pig in a blanket" (A hotdog wrapped in bread.) Visualizing a very large live pig shaking and covering it's eyes while hiding under my 'Blankie', (blanket) I walked up to my mom, all worried, and asked, "Do I really have to eat a pig in a blanket?"
I read the story "Stone Soup" for the first time when I was five and didn't understand the trick that was played. I believed you could actually make soup out of just stone! I picked out a nice, potentially flavorful stone from our garden, asked for a bit of hot water and tried it for myself. It lacked the other ingredients, I thought.
When eating a chicken dinner on a Sunday afternoon at home, my two brothers always got the legs so I ate one too. Only I ate the neck thinking it was a leg until my older brother asked me, "how many legs does a chicken have?" I then realized I wasn't eating a leg!
I thought that if you put peanuts in the blender, you would get peanut blender. So, I learned two things, one, that that is, in fact, untrue, and two, that peanuts will break the blender.
Also I thought that if you stirred milk long enough and fast enough that your would eventually get butter. I got bored after ten minutes of trying and decided that I wasn't "cut out" for the dairy world.
when i was a kid i thought meat grows from trees..
(i didn't knw about dying or killing animals)
When i was little my brother told me the moon was made out of cheese.....and being the little moron i was, i believed it.
When I was younger, I used to think that the food samples displayed on the packs of pots and pans were included in the package.
i thought that the word for vegetables was bigsables
My 4th grade teacher (Mr Walton)told me(and the class)that spagetti was grown in large fields.Farmers would start with little seeds((he held up some rice) and that the grew in rows along the ground.After failing to grow my own,I stuck some spagetti upright in a container of dirt and brought it to class.He winked and said he never saw pasta grow straight up like
My son is in his high school science class.I reminded Mr Walton of the "pasta test" and he remarked"it did get you to thinking about things now didn't it?" He was right!
I used to believe that pickles were made from baby alligators. Why? Because my dad told me they were, because he thought it was funny.
One day my grandmother took me to McDonald's for hamburgers and french fries. I bit into a fry that had a hollow space in it. I showed it to her and said "Look, nan, they didn't finish stuffing this one!" I couldn't understand why she laughed so hard at that!
My mom used to always make grilled cheese sandwiches for me to eat for lunch. I used to think they were called Girl Cheese sandwiches, and one time when my dad wanted one, I told him no, and said that Girl Cheese sandwiches are for girls ONLY!
When I was young I thought that it was a "great privaledge" to go to the grocery store with my mom and sit in the cart. To entertain me my mom would pass me the items to throw into the cart. Then my younger sister came along, and she would ride inthe body of the cart and I would ride in the seat. Now old habits don't die, so when my mom passed me a grapefruit it hit my sister right in the face. I have always wondered if she would have been normal if that had never happened...
When I was 2 i had a dream that i was turned into a donut and was being chased by a cop with a cup of coffee. For years after I had that dream I was afraid to eat donuts because I thought I'd turn into one and be chased down the street by a cop.
Once my dad had made hot dogs and hamburgers for my siblings and myself for lunch. I didn't like hamburgers then and wanted a hot dog. But hot dogs always smell and look better than they taste, so when I got it I ended up not eating it. So to try and tempt me, my dad took a slice of American cheese and stuck it on there. After that, I picked off all of the cheese. My sister said it looked dead and my dad said I killed it and wanted to have a funeral. So my sister made up a coffin for my hot dog out of paper. We all collected in the back yard and buried the hot dog under a tree. Several years later I was convinced that if I dug it up, it would still be there.
When i was 5 i use to beleive that if you held your nose while squirting Easy Cheese in your mouth it would come out your ears.
when i was little i thought if i ate cocoa puffs, chocolate would squirt from the walls and shoot up from the floor. then i ate some.
When I was really young I used to say "Are we going to Bob Heavens?" So now instead of saying Bob Evans we just say Bob Heavens
That Boar's Head mear was made from the head of a boar.
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